View Full Version : Ladies?Having a bad spellplease please help :(

07-12-10, 22:23
I have been ill for a few weeks now on off. Was at hospital with pelvic and back pain..I got antibiotics for a kidney infection OR a pelvic infection because they weren't sure! The antibiotics cleared it and then due to all the snow I got a terrible cold again,the cold is slowly going away but the back and pelvic pain has came back and I'm freaking out..I feel like I have something realyl wrong. Was at docs this morning and she said she didn't think it was a kidney infection but gave me anitbiotics anyways..the same ones the hospital gave me and wants me to get an ultrasound.

I had a elvic infectiona year or so ago and was pretty bad with it and the doc said that I could have bad scarring.. :( the pain feels all similar and I'm worried of all these things that could be arong. I'm worried I have that etopic pregnancy or cysts,some sort of cancer or am genuinely pregnant. The lower part of my pelvis is swollen between my leg and lower tummy and am freaking that it's a cyst or tumour and it's going to burst or that I'm pregnant and it's growing in the wrong place because of scarring!

I mos tlikely sound lcrazy but no one outside will listeni and I'm feeling really afraid and lonely and dunno what to do. Someone help please.or hug me :'( amy xxxxxx

margaret jones
07-12-10, 22:33
Sorry you are feeling poorly maybe when you have the ultrasound they will be able to put your mind at rest have a :hugs:and give yourself some TLC you have been through the wars hope you soon feel better xx

07-12-10, 22:42
Thankyou for the reply. I'm just really oging off my head.And I've googled..and it's like telling a child not to push the button and they do it. that's what I'm like.I've did it and made myself worse with all these scenarios.And I'm just in pain. I am so worried.I dunno why I am so sore.everywhere and why I am swollen toward the right side of my pelvis near my ovary :(xx

paula lynne
07-12-10, 23:25
You should go back to your gp if you still feel so ill in a few days. x
Never google again, you have to take the nmp oath and promise!
Heres some hugs from a freezing south wales :hugs::hugs::hugs:

07-12-10, 23:57
Thanks.*hugs* I have freaked myself to the point of not even wanting to move incase i rupture something. :( I now fear something wrong with myliver or pancreas as I have right pain under my right rib and stomach like a burning. I'm going to lose it. Aagain.
stupid HA :weep: :weep: :weep:

08-12-10, 09:38
God I can completely sympathise. HAd had pains on and off for months, they've never really got to the bottom of it. Haven't eaten since Friday and can't stop shaking. Went to docs and they said it's anxiety but i googled and it said pancreatic cancer! Sooooo sooooo scared. Please help.

08-12-10, 09:46
:hugs: Ahh weemee.

I have the exact same pain as you - pelvic, lower back, focused over my right ovary. I don't have the swelling. Of course all that is in my head all the time is - ovarian cancer, ovarian cancer, ovarian cancer.

But try not to worry - your doctor is sending you for an ultrasound which is good news. When are you having that? Just remember if she was truly concerned about something nasty she'd have had you head straight to the hospital immediately - once they thought I might have something wrong with my lung and I had to go directly to hospital for chest xray. Turned out to be nothing but they dont mess around with these things.

Just keep calm sweetie - are you at home right now? Maybe have a bath, put on some nice music, have a cup of herbal tea, put a hot water bottle on your tummy and watch something nice on tv. I am at home today revising for a test - I will check in every now and then, pm me if you want to talk. x

08-12-10, 13:00
Thanks for the replies loves.I'm making myself ill again. I have been up since about 9 this morning and have spent the majority of that time looking in the mirror and "analysing".

It's not any better.infact the pain seems more focused on the lower right side now aat my groin and pelvis and it is definitely swollen no question. I am freaking out. I'm going out to buy a pregnancy test and everything! Cos I haven't had my period either now and it's been about 2 months. Oh my God. :weep:

08-12-10, 20:23
Great.I have now convinced myself I infact have an ectopic pregnancy and it's going to rupture and I'm gonna die. :( I can't take this :weep:

08-12-10, 21:06
Aw, I'm sure an ectopic pregnancy would be agony - it says on nhs you'd have severe pain. I'm sure you're fine - you're bound to be a wee bit sore with all these infections - and the cold's just going to make that worse. .If it gets any worse, which is probably unlikely, then call nhs (I did last night and spoke to a lovely person who spent ages calming me down) but other than that, I'm sure you're fine my lovely :hugs:try to get your mind off it - watch a film, read a book, anything! Go get a cuppa too, or a nice hot bath - just relax really :) here if you need to talk xxx