View Full Version : Feeling sick when eating

08-12-10, 04:38
Hey all, well after trying to ignore this for awhile, I've decided to ask around and see if anyone else has had or has this problem. I know I have bad HA and am proberly freaking over nothing, but my lastest phobia is oesphagus cancer due to always feeling sick after eating anything, even a lolly. I'm not overly anxious at the moment as I'm getting better from my anxiety which is great and all, but thats why these things are worrying me because I'm not overly anxious at all. Halfway through eating anything or after eating, I feel sick up in my throat and chest a bit and at times I can feel full quickly because I feel sick, it eventually goes away, but I feel nauseus for awhile before that. Its been happening for awhile, but lately its been after every meal, even snacks and thats whats worrying the hell out of me. I dont smoke or drink alcohol and I'm only 19, but I'm still freaked, any help please?

08-12-10, 08:05
The stats for cancer of the food pipe ( can never spell it!) at your age are as close to nil as you can get. I have a hiatus hernia which I have had since I was your age and have taken tablets for heartburn for past 15 yrs but about 5 years ago I started to worry that my heartburn which is not completely controlled had caused barratts thingy which is a pre cancerous condition of the food pipe. I saw a gastro Dr and he said he was happy to do a gastroscopy just for my peace of mind but he had never in all his career and he was in his 50's had he seen anyone with cancer of the food pipe before the age of 50 - I was early 40's at time. He said it is something that takes tens of years to develop and is usually seen in men who smoke and drink- he said only 1%of people with barratts things of their food pipe go on to develop cancer.

So I hope I have tried to put your mind at rest - maybe you are suffering from globus is when your throat muscles are tight and they make you feel as if you either have something stuck in your throat or as if you are being strangled and eating swalloing uses these muscles and you could feel it as a sick feeling??

If its still bothering you after 6 weeks then ask your Dr about it - for your peace of mind they might let you have the gastroscopy like I had.

09-12-10, 07:59
It's not oesophoageal cancer Krystal, no-one you know smokes and spontaneous cancer in that area is pretty much unheard of. You did pretty well today with the burger and chips - I still think it might be your throat's reaction to that oral thrush you had a while ago :)

09-12-10, 12:15
It sounds like unwittingly you are getting anxious about eating. The symptoms you describe are very much part of gerd which is very common, especially with anxiety.