View Full Version : Hi,I'm Alex, and I'm really scared that I'm losing my life

08-12-10, 07:03
So... I'm alex, I'm a fairly average 19 year old guy. I'm a harpist in my second year at music college.

Panic has been controlling my life on and off since I was 15. It started when I went on a volunteering trip to Kenya. On the trip I started getting very regular panic attacks.

On my return home, I was tested for various diseases including Malaria because no-one new what was wrong with me. Eventually I got diagnosed with Chronic Hyperventilation Disorder - panic attacks.

The first couple of years it affected me really badly. I found it very hard to eat and had to be forced to stay at the table. I didn't sleep through the night much. I found it hard to go to school, used to have to leave classes, and fainted sometimes.

I found good coping mechanisms which helped alot but now panic is seriously back. I had such a bad panic attack in college on Thursday that someone called an ambulance. Since then I havenot left the house. I am unable to eat properly, have lost a stone, can't really get out of bed. Basically, my whole life is shot, and I don't know how to kick myself out of it.

But I really really want to and I'm willing to try so hard...

08-12-10, 07:25
Hi harpboy

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

08-12-10, 07:55
Hi Alex, have you had any kind of counselling for this hun?..or taken any medication. I suffer with them too so i really feel for you its a horrid thing to go through. Can you get someone to go to the doctors with you?...and sit there and explain what is happening? Maybe you could write everything down about how you feel etc, and what happens to you in these attacks. I take Beta Blockers for my panic attacks as it helps my heart rate slow down, as when im having those dreaded palpations..my heart feels like its going to come out of my chest.

Hope you get some help hun, and im only newish to this site.. i joined a while back but ive just started using it properly and it seems really helpful Chin up xxxxx:)

08-12-10, 08:15
Hello Alex :)
Welcome to NMP :welcome:
NMP has helped me lots, I think it will help you too :yesyes:

Best wishes,

Claire xxx

Vanilla Sky
08-12-10, 12:01
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

paula lynne
08-12-10, 12:41
Hi Alex, welcome aboard. Do you have someone to talk to? a gp/councellor etc? Im sorry the panic is back with a vengence, but if you are losing weight and feel so ill, its important to realise you cant go on like this obviously. Please see your gp, maybe someone could go with you for moral support. x

08-12-10, 12:56
Hi Alex.

I am also new to this site. I can appreciate what you are saying although fortunatley I have never actually fainted. You really need to see you GP and get referred for counselling or maybe some helpful medication. Hope things get better for you mate.


08-12-10, 13:29
hi and :welcome: to nmp

09-12-10, 00:26
I feel for you, mine started at the age of 15 too...and started to lose weight and i am quite thin already, which makes it worse, the only time i feel better is when i take anti depressants (citalopram) i decided to take, cos if losing weight then you are suffering,whats the point of suffering...i am new to this site also...i have some coping mechanisms and its unique to me...when i start feeling like i cant breath (and that dreaded feeling of 'im going to die') i say out to myself...doe ray me far so la te doe as these words require an outward breath! like a paramedic said to me once when i was saying i cant breathe i cant breathe they said..think u can cos u are talking!!!! i think its all about distraction! and also knowing that these awful sensations are very primitive....tho these days who are we running away from! take care

09-12-10, 00:42
Hi Alex, you'll find loads of support on this site..

09-12-10, 03:36
Hi Alex ,welcome to NMP We are glad to have you here and hope you start feeling better real soon. Michael