View Full Version : having a major panic - completely numb thigh

08-12-10, 08:49
Hi all, im in such a state this is not helping my MS fear at all & i think this is it now. I have woken up this morning with a completely numb outer thigh on my left leg. Its like a strip of skin is completely numb from the knee cap to half way up my leg. I cannot get it to wake up :( i can walk on it fine but the skin is completely numb. I think i have done somehting to my lower back as its really hurting but im more worried about my leg right now

Does this sound like MS??

08-12-10, 09:42
No - my hubby has a bad lower back and he complains about this all the time, he's seen the DR and he said it was somethin to do with the back pain and nerves etc. Its NOT MS chick , its really not, but I know how you're feeling as I have an issue with a collarbone gland at the mo and its awful.

Hope you're feeling a little better.


08-12-10, 10:08
Thank you Laura, i just spoke to seriously the most unhelpful doctor & she said ' give it a day then we will worry' & now im worrying that its still completely numb :(

Does your husbands leg go numb for ages? xx

08-12-10, 10:12
Thats ok, yep it does, then it may stop for a day or too and then start again. This has been going on with him for over a year now it stopped wen he saw someone about his back a chiropractor I think then started again when he stopped going.

Sorry you spoke to an unhelpful Dr - sometimes they really don't realise they can worry you more but really its nothing to worry about.xxxxxxxxxxxx

08-12-10, 13:13
Hey i get this. Its just the nerves and anxiety. Its like there is reduced blood flow to arms and legs when you are constantly worrying and it can cause numbness and also lower back pain. its made worse for me when i dont sleep well. Its worse in the morning
