View Full Version : Hypothermia health anxiety

08-12-10, 09:07
Due to this cold weather I'm terrified I have hypothermia..woke at 7am in panic feeling cold..been up since, using a few blankets..been in bed but still worried you can die in bed from it? :ohmy:

I read it's dropped -16 in Scotland where I am plus I watched a programme and someone died from hypothermia and cold so that's stopped me sleeping.

08-12-10, 09:50
You are not going to get hypothermia - you'll be fine especially if you're inside!

I hope you're feeling better, its awful worrying about something even when it is extemely unlikey to happen.

Take care of yourself


08-12-10, 10:10
You won't get hypothermia.

Hypothermia only occurs in the extreme cold when people have no food, little clothing and shelter.

You aren't soaking wet in minus temperatures with no way of warming yourself. Your body will maintain it's average heat unless you are in the snow with little clothing or soaking wet in freezing temperatures.

You have absolutely nothing to worry about :)

18-12-10, 22:44
I watched a film called 'frozen' on dvd last night..it's been really cold in the UK but the movie featured 'frost bite'..that made me worry as my skin is all red in places from what I was told was eczema..so I was out today worried it was frost bite..all my skin was covered but how do I know it's just the eczema thing?

Could frost bite get in through my jacket? :ohmy:

18-12-10, 23:06
I've slept out in the arctic in a snow hole at -40C.

You won't freeze to death in your sleep, your body will wake you up if you're too cold. If you have the early stages of hypothermia you will be shivering *extremely* violently.

One of the early signs of frostbite is white numb skin, this can be quickly relieved by cupping your hand over the affected area.

Unless you are in an exposed location (i.e. up on a mountain in the Lake District) or sleeping rough it really isn't anything like cold enough.

It's just anxiety, wear a hat and socks in bed. You don't need them, but you'll feel better :hugs:


18-12-10, 23:56
you could simply buy a thermometer and keep an eye on your temperature so you will know if it drops too low!
you could also use an electric blanket wit a timer so it will turn it's self off if you forget, or use a hot water bottle.
i wake up freezing too in the mornings and find it hard to stop shaking and warm up again.
frost bite is PAINFUL so you'd know if you had it, your fingers would go red, numb cold then turn blue and in extreme cases to black.
as long as you wrap up warm when your out side you'll be fine x

18-12-10, 23:59
Unless you are outside a whole lot I don't think you will have a problem..do you have low blood pressure? Just keep warm and try to relax..I read the samething and we lived where it was minus 30 to minus 50 and didn't turn the heat above 50 and we survived but we stayed in and covered up most of the time. I think you will be ok.

19-12-10, 00:11
Turn the heating up, put an extra blanket on your bed, wear an extra layer? You won't get hypothermia inside, but if feeling cold is causing you anxiety then the obvious answer is to try to stay warm. Have you got a sleeping bag? If you find you're getting very cold at night, get in a sleeping bag under the duvet. It's lovely (I've spent too many years in shoddy student housing where the heating doesn't work!) and will give you additional peace of mind.