View Full Version : does anyone else.......

08-12-10, 09:55
interpret what medical professionals say all the time as negative even if its something so minor?

I just had blood taken this morning and when the nurse had finshed she obviously told me to put pressure on it with the cottonwool ball which I did, then after 30 secs she took it off but I hadn't stopped bleeding and she said "well you're going to bruise there seeing as you're taking so long to stop bleeding - are you on aspirin or something?" I said no and she just went "mmmmm" then took ball off again and I had stopped and now I am trying to read into why she said that and am of course thinking "Ahhhh I'm dying!"

Why can't I just not read into things like this :-(

08-12-10, 10:10
when i have blood took mine doesnt stop bleeding straight away sometimes it takes a while so dont worry x

08-12-10, 10:14
Thanks - the nurse was obviously thinking outloud and doesn't realise I have health anxeity.xxxx

08-12-10, 10:26
Hey Mogwog,

I used to do the same thing all the time. People or doctors would comment on one little thing and I would spiral into a panic!

Don't worry about the blood after your needle. It's usually just because they needle was moved around a little while she was taking out blood.

She asked because aspirin thins your blood, so when you take it you bleed more, but some people just have naturally thinner blood than others. My blood is very thin, I bleed for hours after even a small cut!

It's nothing at all to worry about :)

08-12-10, 10:28
Thank you very much.I feel ok now. Phewww


08-12-10, 11:14
That really is nothing to worry about, i have had lots of bloods taken for various things, and last week, when the nurse came and took my bloods she couldn't even get any out of my arm finally when she got the blood going it stopped and she couldn't get enough, but as far the the bleeding after, it is normal for it to bleed a little, sometimes i have had to hold the cotton woll there for several minutes with alot of pressure, and i do not have any blood conditions, nor am i on any meds which would cause me to bleed, so please try not to worry it is totally fine and totally normal x

08-12-10, 13:56
Thanks Guys
