View Full Version : I think there's something wrong with my tooth

08-12-10, 10:08
My bottom right hand wisdom tooth's coming through and has been doing for about a week, at first I though the pain I was feeling was just normal because when the other one came through that hurt alot.
I think now though there's something not right, on my jaw bone it's swollen and the pain is awful, I've gone through 16 pain killers in 2 days and I can't even put bonjela on it and when I did last night it was stinging :wacko:
When I look at it there's what looks like an ulcer on top but that could just be my tooth? But it's at the side by my gum which is worst, it's like it's rubbing against the gum causing more pain and when I try and feel it I don't think it's coming through right. But I really don't know :blush:

I HATE dentists, and after today I have work for the next 4 days so an appointment would be akward anyway, I can't deal with this pain much more though, plus I've just started some more anti-depressants today so I'm worrying how they're going to maybe react with me, arghh!

Anyone got any ideas if this does sound like something's wrong?

paula lynne
08-12-10, 11:03
Hiya, one of my wisdom teeth came in when I was 25, the other has yet to make an appearance and is impacted in my gum. Everynow and again, I get what your describing, and yes...it hurts.x
You really do need to see a dentist, I know you are working, but if you rang for an appointment today, you could go after your last day at work.
You cant go on like this taking all those painkillers, and still be in this much pain.
Your anti-dep are going to take a couple of weeks to kick in, so try not to worry about reactions as far as they are concerned.
Hope you feel better soon x

08-12-10, 15:15
You could always go into your GP and ask them to take a look if you're that scared of seeing a dentist. You do need to see someone though, just so that you can get the right treatment for it. :)

08-12-10, 16:05
Lizziesaurus: there will be a list of emergency dentists in your area via NHS direct. I hope you are able to make that appointment. EJ.

08-12-10, 17:31
I have to ring at 9 tomorrow morning to see if I can get one tomorrow afternoon, but failing that I'll definitely be able to get in Friday. I hope it's nothing too bad, it's bad enough lying there with my mouth wide open for a brief time, never mind if anything has to be done.
I just want the pain to stop though, it's awful, still it takes my mind off everything else slightly which I suppose isn't a bad thing.

08-12-10, 17:57
I had terrible probs with my wisdom teeth .They kept making my gums swell up .I could hardly open my mouth .I had to have penicillin .Eventually I ended having the 4 of them removed as there wasnt enough room for them .Hope you get it sorted ,nothing worse than teeth pain .:hugs:suex

08-12-10, 18:15
I'm worried if it has to be removed, I've not had a tooth removed since I was a young girl. I remember it was my 2 canine teeth (is that what they're called? the pointy ones) because my adult teeth were growing over them, I had to have 6 injections to numb my mouth, I still remember the sensation of getting the yanked out. I've been putting off a filling for about 3 years I'm that scared of people poking about with my teeth (not that I'm in any pain with that). This is the last of my wisdom teeth to make an appearance, most are already almost all through and I've not had any problems before except abit of normal pain, which is why I know something's not right.