View Full Version : Having an awful time with HA, heart and other

08-12-10, 12:48
hello everyone.
the last few days my heart anxiety has been playing up... I'm getting chest pains, almost what Id call breathlessness and heart palps all that messy business. today I had an intense tight sharp pain in my chest more towards the top and it ran down my sides lasted barely a second but gosh did it make me start to panic.. then I noticed if I coughed or breathed in deeply Id also get a dull pain. I am still getting some twinges just relaxing...I also noticed if I get up quickly I get chest pain that seems to go from my chest up into my throat not my neck but like my throat if that makes senses and also underneath my tongue aches and I think oh gosh heart attack!! now my BP has been up to 136/79 with a heartrate of 100 but when I'm chillaxing it gets to about 114/69 pulse 85-79..does anyone now if you were having heart probs would your heartrate or BP change at all?
I counted my breaths and noticed I was taking 25 per min so this might account for me feeling like I can't breathe... when I get that way I feel like doing something like jumping up an running around.
I'm lightheaded as well not unusual...
another thing at night when I try to go to sleep I feel as though my whole bodies like moving almost like u feel floating in water is this bad a sign of bad cardiac health as I notice like my feet pulsating as well.
I'm also terrified of like crackles I hear in my head being anerysms although I recently had a scan ruling them out.
I guess I'm on high mode cause Im also getting pain in my back from a gallstone and I think omg if I have a gallstone at 22 what else could be wring. they found it with one scan... but yet I can't trust them that I have nothing wrong with my heart which 4 drs have told me is normal this year "sigh'

Sorry so many questions... if you can offer any advive I'd be grateful

08-12-10, 14:39
I gotta say mate, given the stats you have presented it sounds COMPLETELY anxiety related.

Your blood pressure is good & ur pulse is good!

It's hard I know but i really think the art of distracting yourself is the key here...and dont be too hard on yourself!

08-12-10, 14:48
If you get chest pains when you move and breathe in and out its muscular. I get heart palps and ectopics AND chest pain all the time, I'm only just startin to come to terms with them after 9 months!

Sounds like you're definatley overbreathing as 8 breaths a minute is the minimum an adult needs I think! Hyperventilation can cause a string of nasty symptoms in itself so try to forceablly slow your self down for a bit and see how you feel. :)

Hope you feel better soon. xx

09-12-10, 06:44
Thank you both for responding :)
Was having such a good few weeks then I'm like why am I feeling so good something has gotta go wrong! then I started to feel ill and dizzy with chest pains could just be the heat wave here. I gotta start thinking about the unsinister things that could cause it I guess like muscular instead of heart etc
thanks again

09-12-10, 09:25
hello everyone.
the last few days my heart anxiety has been playing up... I'm getting chest pains, almost what Id call breathlessness and heart palps all that messy business. today I had an intense tight sharp pain in my chest more towards the top and it ran down my sides lasted barely a second but gosh did it make me start to panic..

I could have written this myself! At the moment I have the same symptoms. I've had SO many anxiety related symptoms/ailments/Dr. visits etc. Each time I discover that the symptom's nothing to worry about and can relax - a new one comes along!

I have discovered though that when I concentrate on those symptoms they are alot worse.

My test now to see if a symptom is something serious or just anxiety related is this: I get myself fully occupied with something for a couple of hours. Usually when I next think about the latest symptom I realise that during those hours that my mind was occupied elsewhere they completely disappeared!

I didn't have a heart attack, I continued to breath, didn't have a stroke...

Try to focus elsewhere, it really helps.