View Full Version : At the end of my tether

08-12-10, 16:19
So I succumbed today and went to the Dr re my left side pain.

She took my bp - perfect - 120/75

Listened briefly to my chest and said it was fine.

However I am still getting these little bursts of warmth in my side next to my boob. They feel like adrenalin rushes, but surely that wouldn't happen one sided and would be middle and stomach wards?

I am worried about left ventrical failure etc. I know I have had tests but this sensation really doesn't feel normal.

08-12-10, 16:20
Also my pulse when this happens goes along at the same rate - goes higher if I start to panic about it. Would a heart problem make your heart feel funny in your pulse or would it actually stay the same.

I can't stand another night of this as I was up panicking last night, so much so I was going to call an ambulance.

08-12-10, 16:26
dodo, the adrenaline rushes are fine. I get them two. Sometimes on one side. I also get chest pain in the same area that can last for a couple weeks. I asked my doc and she looked and told me it most likely muscle related.

The way i see things now if im worried about my heart then when im at my most anxious i take my pulse. If its less than 100 i relax!

Yours doesnt sound anything thats too much different. Just a different bodily sensation we all get!

08-12-10, 16:28
maybe the rush feeling could be something to do with acid reflux?

08-12-10, 16:28
What did the doc say it was. You are obviously checking your pulse once the feeling starts so your pulse would be racing because you are anxious about it.

08-12-10, 16:40
Doc said muscular but I can be sat watching tele and suddenly get this warm rush just in one side of my chest, kinda in line with my nipple. No other chest pain but it has been happening since Friday. I am really worried and can't relax with it at all. I don't think a simple listen with the stethescope would pick up a heart problem.

08-12-10, 16:42
Oh and she said you couldn't get acid reflux/gas just on one side of your chest.

08-12-10, 17:01
You say that you dont get it all the time, could it due to your menstrual cycle.
For about 15 years now at certain times through my cycle i get this warm pain....that's the only way i can describe it...running through the left side if my breast.
Its just something ive had for a long time and i ignore it now. Maybe you need to write down when it happens and see if its to do with your cycle.

08-12-10, 17:05
No I mean never had it before. Started FRiday and has been on and off.

08-12-10, 17:42
Dodo hun, seriously if it was your heart you would know! I reckon as soon as you start to relax about the pain it wont be such a problem and you won't notice it. Doctors can tell an awful lot b just listening to your heart. I know it's hard but ignore the pain when you feel it just repeat to yourself its nothing serious and my anxiety is making it worse!

Your going to be fine honey!

Claire xxxx

08-12-10, 17:51
No I mean never had it before. Started FRiday and has been on and off.

Looking back on your previous threads you have mentioned this problem before, thats why i suggested what it could be.