View Full Version : Going very dizzy & lightheaded when standing up...doctor didn't care :(

08-12-10, 18:35
Hi guys,

One & off over the past few months now I've been going really dizzy & lightheaded when getting out of bed, up off a chair from sitting & getting up from crouching etc...
It's so bad that I have to hold onto something until it passes.
So Monday, I went to the doctors & told him & he seemed so uninterested. :( He took my blood pressure, didn't even tell me what it was... & basically just put it down to the anxiety [as always]
But I still feel really ill with it & I'm scared to get up most of the time now...

Has anyone else had anyhing this before? I'm really worried & got no help or reasurrance from the doctor :(

08-12-10, 19:02
Sounds like you may have a little postural hypotension, meaning that when you change positions, you get a little dizzy because of a blood pressure change. I get this sometimes, and I do think it is worse when I am anxious. Just stand up slowly and that will help. Also, make sure you are drinking enough fluids.

08-12-10, 20:04
I get this too if I get up relatively fast or if I have been in the same position for a while. Make sure you drink alot of fluids and eat though when you're anxious it's hard. :( It's always horrible when you feel like you're not being listened to by the people that are supposed to help. *hugs* x

08-12-10, 21:05
I have had that on occasion when I have been crouching and then stood.Ive been lightheaded for a few seconds.

08-12-10, 21:23
I have this too and I often fall over uncontrollably. Do you find everything goes black too and your ears ring? x

08-12-10, 22:11
My husband has this all the time and its because he has good blood pressure - as we age our blood pressure naturally goes up they used to say your blood pressure should be top number your age plus 100 and your bottom number not above 90 but that was before the pharmacutical industry patented all the blood pressure drugs and now they say eveyones blood pressure should be 120/80 no matter your age but alot of older Doctors say this is too low for some people and will give them exactly your symptoms.

You dont say how old you are or what your blood pressure is but if you are young and your bp is below 110/70 then this could be a reason and if you are middle aged and its around 120/75 then again its very good bp but will give you those symptoms.

Did your Dr take your blood pressure sitting down then standing up ??? Maybe ask him to do this and also are you aneamic as my mother in law gets bad aneamia and she get very dizzy if she stands up so again its worth checking your blood count if you look very pale.

09-12-10, 17:00
Thanks so much for the reasurrance guys. It's still happening but I'm getting up really slowly now & it seems to be helping. I'm drinking more water too.
I just hope it passes...
I do get ringing in my ears sometimes yes, panchogoz & I see blue dots & sparkles...it's horrible :(

Thanks for the advice countrygirl, I'm 23 but the doctor didn't tell me what my BP was. I have been looking pale recently so if it carries on I might go & get a second opinion.