View Full Version : Struggling with it all.....

08-12-10, 21:29
Hi all, it is so hard to try an explain situation without writing a novel so long story short......... used to self medicate with alcohol. Ended up with alcohol problem, no surprises there. I'm currently on citalopram 20mg second time around. It's been three weeks and I'm not finding it easy to cope with. I work from home as a child educator so cabin fever is getting to me a lot. Half my family should star on "days of our lives", my sons father is constantly letting his son down etc which upsets me, my partner isn't very supporting as doesn't understand, finances, health issues etc etc. I'm getting to the point where I just want to go back to drowning my sorrows. I'm fully aware alcohol ends up making anxiety worse but for those few hours at night I feel like I am my old self again. Meaning, I'm happy, energetic, just feel on top of the world......until the next day. I know it's liquid confidence but it's niggling away at me and I don't want it to win. I'm still having side effects from meds and as much as I tell myself, I'll get through this, it is also terrifying me to the point of having panic attacks on a regular basis. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

08-12-10, 23:02
Hi Shelz77, Hey you've done brilliant on the alcohol score! I know it sounds daft, but I just have a glass of water if I feel the 'need'. You will start to feel better. Hang on in..x

08-12-10, 23:15
people all around the world used to drink alcohol which is really so danger to the human being ,this will effect to the liver and causes our health . drinking alcohol in limit is ok but overlimiting it is so danger,this will really destroy the life slowly & slowly and after some time alcoholist cant live without it.

09-12-10, 20:19
Thanks for the replies. Gaaron..... a big thank you for the encouragement! :D

09-12-10, 20:32
maybe after Christmas everything will calm down, I understand about the "carzy" family stuff and getting cabin fever, the cabin fever is awful, can you go for a short walk at all?
try and look after your self too x

09-12-10, 21:27
Thanks Mishel! Yeah christmas is so not helping at the mo. I get to spend time with the drama free side of my family so thats a bonus. As for the cabin fever, fully sick of the four walls thats for sure. Can't go for a walk during the day as too many kids in tow with work and one of them likes to do a runner so that just raises the anxiety. Always think after work, will take dog for a walk and clear my head but when the time comes I'm just so exhausted.
Take care and again thanks. :hugs: