View Full Version : Wouldn't You Know Forsure?

09-12-10, 01:42
The last few evenings I have been sitting with my neck held sideways and my head kind of turned to one side..Im holding my head up with no pillow somewhat..When I get up I feel funny. My breath seems hard to get and my neck feels really weird..My chest also feels funny like I can't breathe but im not for sure Im really having trouble breathing or it was just I laid down in a weird position and now it feels funny when i get up.

If you had oxygen deprivation wouldn't your heart beat faster than 72?

During this time my heart has beat from 66 to 72 ..I was curious if you were really having problems breathing wouldn't your heart be faster at least?

09-12-10, 01:48
Hi looking

I would say that your head feels funny because of the way you are holding it, it's not good on the neck which will give you head problems ie dizziness or funny feelings. Why are you holding your head like that?

Your heart would beat more than 72 I would imagine, if you were having trouble breathing. It's the anxiety getting to ya mate. This time of year for everyone anxiety is the worst. 72 is a very good heart rate, try not to worry.

Liz aka Elspeth

09-12-10, 01:52
Thanks .. I was thinking if I was really having trouble breathing it would be faster.

10-12-10, 03:28
Anyone else ? Was hoping RLR would respond but guess he got busy

10-12-10, 03:50
Sitting with your head and neck this way may be causing the bloodflow to your head to reduce a little which might be reducing the oxygen to that area, which would make you feel funny and breathless. Your neck will also feel funny because it's a strange position to hold it in and the muscles aren't used to it.

I'm quite certain you're not actually having trouble breathing, but it's more just the funny feeling and your thinking about not being able to breathe that may be causing some slight hyperventilation that makes your chest feel funny and breathing feel like it isn't normal.

10-12-10, 04:01
Thanks.. Ill try to stop sitting that way and see if I feel better.Michael