View Full Version : Tick up my bum??

09-12-10, 03:39
I saw this little bug on my bed the other day. it was about 1cm wide grey and had a little white stripe down its back, its body was kind of triangular. I flicked it off my bed and didnt kill it as i didnt really think of it at the time.

now its been really hot lately and i have to sleep without clothes on coz its just too damm hot. now i am worried that that bug was a tick and has buried itself up my bum and i will get sick coz i wont know if its up there.

09-12-10, 03:44
No it didn't ..that bug is long gone and it really doesn't sound like a tick.. Its funny.. So many of us get amusing thoughts and worries.. makes me feel less funny reading some of these.. Really ,whatever it has gone and really doesn't sound dangerous. I doupt its up your bum or you would probably know it. lol. Take care and relax. Michael

09-12-10, 12:35
thanks, still a little uneasy about it but hopefully it clears up.

09-12-10, 12:56
Think a tick would latch itself onto your skin rather than there lol. My cat dissapeared for a few days then came back with one on his head and it looks like a little grey sweetcorn. Like a squareish shape.

Probably was a beetle or something cuz ticks usually latch on from plants or stuff, don't think they wander around houses? Not too sure though! But yea, like looking4answers said I think you'd definatley know!

Take care xx

09-12-10, 21:28
Hi there, i'm very sure nothing is up there. With regards to the bug, and in no way am I suggesting your bed is unclean, but from the description you gave, may be a bed bug. You can pick them up from Hotels etc...???

09-12-10, 22:36
I think its a leaf bug isnt it? Green bugs go grey in winter if they aren't dead. You would poop it out as well! Don't worry about it, you're fine.

blue moon
09-12-10, 23:32
Hi.....with all the rain in QLd at the moment there are plenty ticks,mozzies and snakes
My pussy
had a tick in her bum and had to take to vet,I could not get it out.
Petra x

10-12-10, 01:56
just in reply to a couple of the responses i live in WA and its summer here so it hasnt been raining here, does that change anything, plus the last post makes me a bit uneasy again, sorry.

10-12-10, 02:03
Hi, from an insomiac in the UK. From reading the threads it sounds as if you are fine and have nothing to worry about. Take care x

10-12-10, 02:55
Insects that bite will eventually bite. If there is no bite mark, it was not a biting insect. Next!

10-12-10, 03:29
A tick wouldn't crawl up your bum. They would just latch on to the outside of your skin. A cat is different because it's bum is not like ours and doesn't go so deep! There isn't a tick up your bum, it wouldn't find it's way back to your bed after being flicked off and find it's way to your bum. Just sounds like a beetle to me from what you described anyway, and you'd just roll over in your sleep and squish it :)

10-12-10, 03:33
and being 1cm wide I'm sure you'd feel it!

10-12-10, 04:16
thanks guys, im not worried about it being bed bugs coz i havnt been bitten. just if it was a tick, feeling a little better now.

10-12-10, 12:16
If it was a tick, then at 1cm wide it was full of blood and not in need of food. They eventually fall off their host when they're full. It wouldn't be looking to feed, so I doubt very much it would attach itself to you.

10-12-10, 18:17
Why your bum Panic? If it was a biting insect or parasite of some sort, I'm sure your bum wouldn't be the preferred location - and certainly not inside it! Sounds like a small beetle of some sort to me so don't be worrying about genital invasions.