View Full Version : Swollen artery on head. VERY scared.

09-12-10, 10:01
Hello all, lately I've noticed that on the ride side of my head, I have a massively swollen artery. It's not visible, but it feels way bigger than the one on the left side. I also can constantly feel a pressure around that area.

I'm only 18, I'm not old enough to have a stroke or any such thing am I?

09-12-10, 10:43
Anyone? :o

09-12-10, 10:47
Hi Raver,

If you are a male - arteries on head appear to be more prominent than womens x

09-12-10, 10:52
Yeah, but it's way more swollen than the one on the left side. Also I can constantly feel it pulsating x

09-12-10, 11:04
I notice this on loads of men and even asked a friend if he had had it investigated and he told me that he had asked his Dr and it is very common in men but does not have to mean anything. If you are worrying then go and ask your Dr to put your mind at rest.

there is a condition almost exclusively elderly or late middle age females that causes inflammation of the temple arteries called temporal arteritis but does not affect a male of your age but again your Dr could explain this better than I can.

09-12-10, 11:55
Hiya Raver

It is obviously worrying you so why not just pop down to your doctors so he can have a look and put your mind at rest.

It could be a vein rather than an artery and as you say your can't see it but can only feel it I'm sure it's nothing for you to worry about. It could just be a bit of inflamation as that can cause it.

If I was you I would have it checked out anyway just for your peace of mind and on the very remote chance that it is something like a bit of inflamation (which is not serious dont worry) then the doc can give you something to treat it and stop it getting worse.

Take care, don't worry but ask a doc instead of people on here as they are the only ones who can really advise you x x

09-12-10, 13:58
Well when I phoned NHS direct last night they offered to send an ambulance!

I was like, NOES. My parents would probably get annoyed with me if I went to hospital again.

09-12-10, 14:08
I'm 16, I've experienced a swollen, pulsating artery, though on the left side of my head. I went to several diagnoses, I was even hospitalized, turned out the results were fine. It's obviously an indication of hypertension, you need to relax as much as possible and keep your mind distracted with everyday routines. This will take time, be patient.

09-12-10, 15:22
Well when I phoned NHS direct last night they offered to send an ambulance!

I was like, NOES. My parents would probably get annoyed with me if I went to hospital again.

Raver don't ever be worried anout going to hospital or the doctors with a genuine worry just because you feel your parents may be annoyed with you.

I went to A&E a few weeks ago as I was feeling pretty bad.... they were absolutely great and even though they couldn't find anything wrong with me (good but a bit embarrasing) they told me to go back anytime if I was concerned. One of my doctors has said the same (we never get to see the same doc around here)

Have you mentioned your worry to your parents and if so what did they say. Being a parent myself to a teenage son, if my son was worried about something and confided in me if it was anything that also worried me then I would certainly tell him to get it checked out, just like yours probably would.

NHS Dresct are great too and if they suggested a precautionary hospital visit then just go.... at least it would put your mind at rest.

ChrisK's reply shows that it's probably nothing at all but like him/her do get it looked at first rather than relying on advice from people who are not trained doctors. x x

09-12-10, 16:23
My parents just tell me to stop overexaggerating.

09-12-10, 21:54
Well Raver you are 18 so you don't need your parents permission or backing to do anything... so just do what you feel is right and if that is going to the doctors or hospital to put your mind at rest they just do it x x x