View Full Version : Anticipatory anxiety

09-12-10, 11:36
I haven't had a panic attack for a year. Therefore, why can't I just do what I want to do today - head into town to pick up a couple of Christmas presents – without worrying about it :buttkick:

margaret jones
09-12-10, 11:39
Hi Jane know where you are coming from i need to go to M/S to take something back but like you worrying about it already and not going till 2pm grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr xxwill not let it beat us we will go xxxxx

09-12-10, 11:40
Hi JaneC, I think it's that 'christmas' thing...x

09-12-10, 11:44
Thanks Margaret, you're right. The more I feel don't want to do this, the more I know I have to. Oh for life to be simpler.

Thanks Gaaron, too, unfortunately we all know that anxiety is like a pet - not just for Christmas! Things I do all the time, I'm mostly all right (because I've done it and it's been fine. Things you don't do very often - worry, worry, worry :mad:

margaret jones
10-12-10, 17:20
How did it go your shopping trip hun ???? mine was really good all that worry for nothing xxx

10-12-10, 18:09
I won't get the butt kick emot out because I'm sure you did just fine Jane. Getting ourselves into gear is usually the hard part so well done for biting the bullet.

11-12-10, 01:11
Aw Margaret, thanks for asking, glad things went ok for you. Town was absolutely fine - then went to Asda, stood up too quickly after getting something off a bottom shelf, felt dizzy and things all went to pot for a bit but never mind :shrug: I still feel good from managing the town, Asda's always a bit of a struggle.

Thanks Mel, I knew I'd be putting myself in a bad place if I didn't go and I can be a determined old bird when it suits me :blush:

:hugs: to you both xx

11-12-10, 01:42
Well done Jane :yesyes: ..those bottom shelves give me back ache :lac: If I squat I nearly end up on the floor getting up :blush:.You did well to go ,and stick with it .Things will get better the more you go ....Take care luv Sue :hugs:

11-12-10, 14:22
Well done Jane. I always feel like that but keep pushing myself to go to places... we will win and not the PA x

12-12-10, 00:05
Thanks Sue and Ambers :hugs: I know you're all right that you just have to keep going, it's just tiresome at times. Can spend an hour on the train and walk through a city centre to work because I do that 3 times a week, then struggle with my own wee town because I don't go in there regularly :doh:

Have been allowing thoughts to creep in that I'm a fraud because without Prozac I'd been panicking all over the place. Need to get that one out of my head xx

12-12-10, 13:00
Here we go again - can't remember last time I drove anywhere other than just in the town. Tonight I have to go 15 miles and back in the dark on country roads and I'm feeling physically rough due to having a UTI, lots of pain :weep: