View Full Version : Sounding off - ever had enough of helping othes

eternally optimistic
09-12-10, 12:01
Good morning, or not as the case may be.

Is it just me, but are you ever attracted to people who just want to tell you how bad things are and you listen and then end up completed wound up.

It seems that home, work and wherever I go, I get to tell people things arent that bad and it will be alright and really all I want is someone to do that to me.

I am fed up of putting a BIG CHEESY GRIN :D on and really I want to do is cave in ....

A pointless post really, but will alleviate some pain - LOL..

Bye all.

09-12-10, 12:09
Hi Jay Ann

Yep, you've hit the nail on my head so to speak...x

09-12-10, 12:31
Ha ha great post Jay Ann.

Everyone always wants to tell me their troubles and woes and it's always a question of 'what do you think, what should I do, can you sort it for me?

Don't ask me why they always ask me... maybe we have the words MUG or I'LL TAKE ON YOUR PROBLEMS AND SORT THEM tatooed in special ink accross our foreheads which only people with problems can see.:scared15::roflmao:

To be honest though it doesn't really wind me up most of the time although I do spend far too much time sorting other peoples problems including families, friends and work ones out rather than sorting myself out.

Flippin heck now you mention it I've even represented someone in court and battled against solicitors and big companies for them... but I did win :yesyes: :roflmao:

09-12-10, 19:04
hi there,
Know how you feel

09-12-10, 19:15
I think we tend to attract those sort of people,, because we are nice and we care.
Sometimes people will take advantage of that.
like you'll help them out and listen to them but then they don't return the favor.......