View Full Version : It's all such a battle!!... a short rant!!

09-12-10, 14:24
Hate to moan but sometimes everything just seems so hopeless.... then suddenly I start to feel a bit better and everythings fine till I drop like a stone again!! I just get so fed up with the repetitve bouts of anxiety/depression...... each time I get better, I always think I'll never get poorly again and when I'm poorly, reckon I'll never be ok again!!...... I've got a big sign above my pc monitor which says "remember, you always get better"..... which is quite true but I do need constant reminding.
Unfortunately, not been a good year and now gone into a third blip of the year..... God I feel rough!! Holidays/changes in routine seem to be the major trigger....... this present blip seems to have been triggered by a weekend away and then terrible weather which stopped me doing any of my gardening work. Also stopped doing my hours cycling a day when the clocks went back which I've always found helps enormously..... trouble is its so easy to lose the motivation and then drop further and lose even more motivation....
Was on the dreaded paroxetine for a few years .... 20mg..... bumped up to 40 and then 60 after various blips. Anyway, realised it really wasn't acheiving much even on this max dose and still going through bad patches, gradually reduced down to 5mg and switched over to Fluoxetine a week ago....... did help me a lot years back but came off it when I hit a bad spell 6 years ago.... with hindsight perhaps I should have just stayed on it and weathered the storm!
Oh to feel normal..... to wake up and feel fine..... on the plus side, I invariably feel a lot better in the evenings and by the time I go to bed, not bad at all..... almost normal.
Never been in a "chat room" in my life but I must pluck up the courage and give this one a go..... my missus is always on them.
Now I must remember..... "I always get better"!!!

09-12-10, 15:02
I know exactly what you are going through this is my second downfall since being diagnosed with anxiety in my first year of university - i reckomn it was the stress of m,oving out when I was 17. Now in my thrid year it has come back and i feel utterly hopeless, but when i feel calm or focused on somehting else I feel like things will get better - like now for examplke but I know that will proably change in an hour so and I see nothing but doom and gloom.

What has helped you come the other end each time you have a blip?x xx

paula lynne
09-12-10, 16:06
Yes try chat Geoff, great way to meet people and share. Accept the blips, knowing you will get through them and feel better, even though its periodically. Enjoy the times when you feel ok, and live life to the full when you can. Hope you feel a little better soon x

09-12-10, 17:28
I know exactly what you are going through this is my second downfall since being diagnosed with anxiety in my first year of university - i reckomn it was the stress of m,oving out when I was 17. Now in my thrid year it has come back and i feel utterly hopeless, but when i feel calm or focused on somehting else I feel like things will get better - like now for examplke but I know that will proably change in an hour so and I see nothing but doom and gloom.

What has helped you come the other end each time you have a blip?x xx
To be honest, never quite sure what finished the "blip"!! I usually start doing lots of strenuous exercise.... cycling in my case....... though whether this makes any difference.... not sure.... I certainly feel better after a good ride. Sometimes I think its just a question of being patient.... very difficult when you're feeling awful and want an instant cure!!.... and it just cures itself after so many weeks/days. I must admit to always having the urge to rush down the gp's thinking he'll give me some magic solution..... he doesn't!! In my experience, they tend to just increase the dose of whatever you were on before....... which to my thinking, defies all logic as if it worked before, why need to change it........ after all, one cyanide pill kills you just as well as 10!! Unfortunately, you then stay on this higher dose which is then increased further when another blip comes along until, as in my case, was on the max dose permitted. Interestingly, data suggests that with many of these drugs,increasing the dose has been found to have very little, if any effect compared to placebo though the side-effects increase dramatically.