View Full Version : Just need a little reassurance, very down today :(

09-12-10, 14:40
I went for a job interview yesterday, I had prepared for days on end and wore my best suit and smart heels.

I thought it went okay, although I was quite nervous but as always happens I recieved an email today saying I have been unsuccessful.
I had put all my hopes on this job and I was really banking on getting it.
I feel as though my stomach as been pulled away from me and I feel sick with anxiety.

I have been through three years at University and even though that is the case, I still haven't found myself a suitable or long-term job.
I was suffering very bad anxiety in my last job role as a waitress and in the end I got the sack because I started crying in the middle of the evening whilst serving people.

I wanted to make a fresh start and I really thought this would be it for me.
I really don't know what to do and I feel as though I have hit a brick wall.
The only up-side is that I am currently studying for a counselling skills qualification, however I won't be able to carry on my studies further and achieve my dream of being a counsellor without money to back it up and pay for the courses/diplomas that I want to do.

All of my friends, practically everyone I know from university and my boyfriend have brilliant, amazing and well-paid jobs that they have just walked into post uni.
I am so upset and feel like a failure. I cant even get an administrator or retail job :(

I just want to dig a hole, get into it and die

09-12-10, 14:53
Hun, I am sorry for your disappointing news....it is very demoralising I know. I feel for you as I am in a similar situation and I understand how downcast this can make you feel.

Firstly, you are NOT a failure. Jobs are so hard to come by right now, and when you do,you are up against so much competition, so don't beat yourself up about it. You must look at the huge victory you had in working hard for and attending the interview itself, despite your anxiety. That is a massive achievement.

I understand your feelings and how knocked down you feel. I haven't worked since Dec last year. I was a staff nurse and collapsed at work through anxiety/panic and made a hard decision to resign as I knew I couldn't work under the pressures that I had been anymore. I made a half hearted decision to take a step away from nursing and find any 'normal' 9-5 job that I could, and I have applied for numerous jobs without even an interview. To be honest, I have no direction anymore, as I have been a nurse for so long and feel really lost. I have also lost a lot of confidence in myself and like you, I feel like just curling up in ball under my duvet and staying there.

Please don't give in hun. You must look at this as their loss, and not your failure. Times are hard and you will get there though. Don't give in.xxxx

paula lynne
09-12-10, 16:09
Keep trying, keep going, dont give up. Youre a success because you try, you dont let the anxiety monster beat you, you are pro-active...you are doing fine. Jobs are scarce at the mo, Im sure you'll find the right job soon. x

09-12-10, 16:24
Hang in there, I am going through the same thing right now trying to find a job. It is very hard on your self esteem but we have to remember it's not us, it's just the times EVERYONE is looking for work right now! hang in there love

10-12-10, 02:39

I'm very sorry that this particular door was closed on you. It's always lousy to get passed over, especially if you are the kind of person (like me) who takes rejection hard. I am also recently done with college and looking for jobs and the anxiety of dressing up and introducing yourself to strangers and attending job fairs can certainly feel overwhelming.

I just wanted to say from my own experiences, try not to let it snowball into something bigger than it is. We have to remember that it's ONE interview on ONE day that didn't work out. Compartmentalize it, if you can, although I know it can be difficult sometimes to do that.

Also, try not to compare yourselves to others who have these "amazing" jobs. They are not battling the same feelings and frustrations that you may be going through, and conversely there may be elements of unhappiness for them as well. You never know what's really going on inside people, you can only see the glossy exteriors.
