View Full Version : sore chest on excerise

09-12-10, 15:03
Normal - or should I be panicing?

09-12-10, 15:40
Normal especially if you're out of shape.

If you've not done leg exercises for a while then do 10 miles on a bike your thighs will be in pain.

Same goes for your lungs and the muscles in your chest!!

09-12-10, 15:41
Normal hun. I've just played a bit of dance central and my chest feels like its wrecked lol! Don't even know if that's classed as real exercise? :D

Were you walking round in the cold? That could play a factor too. My chest always hurts more when I'm out in the cold. xx

09-12-10, 20:04
Thanks :-) is it normal to get ectopics and dizzy too? :-(

09-12-10, 20:13

09-12-10, 21:02
I sound daft dont i haha

09-12-10, 21:17
The cold and if you don't exercise alot can all contribute. :) x

09-12-10, 22:55
I sound daft dont i haha

Yes! Try to stop worrying, you're fine. Everyone gets weird symptoms, the problem we have is that we think about them too much.

09-12-10, 23:20
Yea is normal to get ectopics too, I just had one runnin up the stairs lool xx

09-12-10, 23:40
lol OK thanks - was running up my friend's stairs to her flat (all six flights) in the pitch black - nervous due to height phobia and not liking the dark very much either. So a combination of lots of things. Had a really good chat with friend when she was driving me home though - she is suffering from raynauds and scleroderma - she was explaining about ecgs and heart rate and things, she has an ecg every year and she says ecgs are really good for picking up things, she just about had me in tears because she understands - that means a lot because normally people my age laugh but she totally understood.