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View Full Version : Getting a job (not sure if right place 2 post :S)

09-12-10, 15:13

So I'm freaking out a little bit. I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, have done for about a year now and have been signed off from my part time job for almost 8 months. I'm 23 and was due to go into my 3rd year of university, however I've taken a year out. I also suffered from depression when I was 19/20. The reason I'm posting is that I was recently talking to a friend who said that when I finish uni and apply for a "real" job, that I will have to provide my medical history or something :S She also said that people who've suffered from any kind of mental health problems are less likely to be employed. I'm now wondering if there's any point of going back to uni if at the end of it I won't be employed anyway. Does anyone have any advice? All greatly appreciated x

paula lynne
09-12-10, 16:02
Hi Emma, I think going back to uni is a fantastic opportunity for you. All employers are equally opportunity, the law takes a very strong stance on this. There is no reason why you shouldnt get a job that suits you after uni. Good luck with it hun, and Im sorry, but your friend didnt seem that supportive? You go for it if its something you want, you'll do fine x

09-12-10, 16:07
well firstly I know how discouraging it can be sometimes when thinking about future careers when you suffer from any kind of health problem so I can sympathise with you.
I think that whatever you do, having a degree will only help you in terms of careers so I wouldn't give up on uni.
I'm not sure if your friend was making general comments or if she knows your situation but these kind of comments really aren't helpful at all, don't be defined or limited by someone else's views. I believe we can do what you set your mind to with or without mental health problems! Many people on this board are sucessful in their jobs, even Winston Churchill suffered from depression! on saying this we all know that in reality working with these issues makes things very difficult sometimes but please don't give up.
Best wishes

09-12-10, 17:58
All I can say Emma, is some friend!!! She should be encouraging and boosting you, not putting you down and stigmatising you. Unbelievable! Frankly, I think she is talking rubbish as that kind of discrimination is against the law, just like ageism, racism, etc. when applying for work, as Paula said.

I'm not sure what kind of work you will be applying for, as I have not heard of many jobs asking about your health history anyway, except those which require you to be physically fit or where your health history can impact on others, but even so, DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED.

I am a nurse and have always had to declare my health history, immunisations, etc. on an occupational health form when applying for jobs. I have always openly declared my mental health problems - anxiety and depression - and the fact that I have suffered from stress related illness, and I have still been employed so please do not be put off.

Do finish Uni, as you will feel such an achievement from that and it really will be an asset when applying for jobs, and you have got this far already.

Don't be put off by your pseudo-friend. Not everyone is as narrow minded as her!

Lots of love and luck.x:hugs:

09-12-10, 18:03
As someone who works for a University I fully encourage you to return to your studies! lol. Trust me when I say the University is there to support you and you may well be surprised at the large number of students of go through exactly what you are going through.

Just bear in mind how many of us on here hold down jobs with anxiety and do very well in our careers and if employers did discriminate that easily 80% of the UK population would be out of work and half the country would shut down as it has no workers!

You can do and achieve anything you want to in life and should surround yourself with people who believe in you

09-12-10, 18:05

I agree with the others! I know on application forms I've done they ask how many days you've had off in the last year, but if you spend next year at uni then you'll show you've been studying anyway. I mentioned on my last application form that I have anxiety and that I'm on medication for it and I still got the job! As the others have said, they're not allowed to discriminate for reasons like that. Stick with uni, it shows a lot of skills etc that will be useful for any job, and if you enjoy it then do it!

Ignore the unhelpful comments - there are loads of people with anxiety that have great jobs, so it's definitely possible! x

10-12-10, 00:09
I just wanted 2 thank u all so so much for replying 2 me, I have spent the whole day worrying about this, and although I cannot say I am worry free now, I do feel a lot, lot better after reading all ur replies, so thanks :)

Debs - ur post really gave me hope when u said that u r a nurse and that u have disclosed ur mental health problems and still been succesful in getting a job. I am studying psychology at university and once I eventually get my degree I would like to work somewhere within the field on psychology, not quite sure what particular area yet though! I sometimes find it strange that I am studying psychology and yet am having so many of my own problems!!! Ironic lol.

Dragonsblonde - I have found my university 2 b really helpful. They allowed me time off and e-mail me 2 c how I am getting on. I just wonder if there will be any extra help when I eventually return?

Lizzie - if u don't mind me asking, what kind of job was it u applied for? And whereabouts on the form do u have 2 write about ur anxiety and ur meds?


10-12-10, 00:58
You should finish the uni. A degree is always better than no degree. You may want to study more in a different field if the jobs do not suit your life and needs.

Hope you can sort it out.

10-12-10, 14:30

The Uni should be there to support you throughout. You should be able to gain access to the Support Departments and would always advise that you see the counselling team for support and advice. The best tip is to keep in touch with your Tutor and ther Faculty support team so they know how you are getting along and if you hit any little bumps along the way, discuss it with them and they help you avoid turning little bumps into huge hills lol

There will also be some form of Advice Representation Centre just for the students that is linked to the Student Union. They will always be able to chat to you too. Remember to ask all involved about deadline extensions etc if you need them. Just keep being as open as you can with everyone and they will help you as much as they can

10-12-10, 14:51
Debs - ur post really gave me hope when u said that u r a nurse and that u have disclosed ur mental health problems and still been succesful in getting a job. I am studying psychology at university and once I eventually get my degree I would like to work somewhere within the field on psychology, not quite sure what particular area yet though! I sometimes find it strange that I am studying psychology and yet am having so many of my own problems!!! Ironic lol.

Hi again Emma....I think what you want to do is fantastic, and I have to say that - far from being a disadvantage - your own mental health difficulties can and should only be seen as an ASSET within your chosen field, as you can empathise and have an insight that others within psychology may not. Bear this in mind when the killjoys are telling you the opposite!

It is very ironic, and I always feel the same when working with patients with mental health problems, particularly those with panic attacks. I always look at them and think ' I SO know how you are feeling.'

Lots of luck.xxx:yesyes:

15-12-10, 00:01

The Uni should be there to support you throughout. You should be able to gain access to the Support Departments and would always advise that you see the counselling team for support and advice. The best tip is to keep in touch with your Tutor and ther Faculty support team so they know how you are getting along and if you hit any little bumps along the way, discuss it with them and they help you avoid turning little bumps into huge hills lol

There will also be some form of Advice Representation Centre just for the students that is linked to the Student Union. They will always be able to chat to you too. Remember to ask all involved about deadline extensions etc if you need them. Just keep being as open as you can with everyone and they will help you as much as they can

Hey! Not checked in here for a few days as darned internet has been down!! :@ So just read the replies! Dragonsblonde - I actually had a meeting with my academic advisor at university today and it went really well, she informed me that instead of starting back in January doing 3 modules, which I was quite worried about as I thought it may be 2 much, that I can actually go back part time and just do 1 module, sort of ease myself back in, so that was really good. Also, I asked her about the counselling dept and she told me I should contact them 2 let them know what was going on and c if they could be of any assistance, so I will do that tomoro, so thanks for ur reply, I wouldn't have known 2 ask about that otherwise!

15-12-10, 00:02
Hi again Emma....I think what you want to do is fantastic, and I have to say that - far from being a disadvantage - your own mental health difficulties can and should only be seen as an ASSET within your chosen field, as you can empathise and have an insight that others within psychology may not. Bear this in mind when the killjoys are telling you the opposite!

It is very ironic, and I always feel the same when working with patients with mental health problems, particularly those with panic attacks. I always look at them and think ' I SO know how you are feeling.'

Lots of luck.xxx:yesyes:

Hi Debs - thanks so much for ur reply, made me feel more positive about things :)

15-12-10, 00:03
You should finish the uni. A degree is always better than no degree. You may want to study more in a different field if the jobs do not suit your life and needs.

Hope you can sort it out.

Thank u - spoke 2 the uni today and hopefully things r getting sorted now :)