View Full Version : Here we go again? Xmas blues?

Purple Fish
09-12-10, 15:19
Hi all,

All the signs are mildly here again for anxiety. I've been doing massively well and consider myself anxiety free.

I've managed to stick to my diet (losing 10lbs), grown my nails due to no nail biting and felt generally up beat.

Untill a few days ago, what's going on? Is it the stress of christmas? Getting things organized etc, I really don't know.

I know I'm anxious as I've been getting the 'dizzies' on and off, feeling tired, nibbling my nails and comfort eating. I'm so angry with myself as it has taken me 5 weeks to lose my weight! :scared15:

Right, I want to draw a line and carry on as I was but what do I do when anxiety creeps up and I don't know why?

Tanya x

09-12-10, 15:25
Well done you Tanya, for losing weight and growing your nails.

The thing to do is to accept it, accept its anxiety, i know the feelings are not nice but they are only feelings.

If you start concentrating on it and thinking about it more it will linger, try and turn your thoughts into thinking, "oh its you again, i have no time in my life for you so i'm not going to dwell on you"

I know this may sound easier said than done, but i've no anx for a while now thinking this way.

Carry on as you have been doing and whatever you do, don't feed that anx.

best wishes

di xx

Purple Fish
09-12-10, 15:38
Hi Di,

Yeah cheers it helps to hear it from someone who understands. I'm fine when i'm distracted and i've been off work the last 2 days as my son has been off school poorly and there's only so much you can do at home!

I'm out tomorrow night with my work mates and I've been looking forward to it for ages, it's just when the anxiety creeps in I start thinking - 'what if I don't enjoy it?' 'What if it's rubbish?' 'What if i don't feel well'??

I really need to get a grip don't I??

Tanya x

09-12-10, 15:41
I'm the same... I'm already worried about Christmas day as we spend it with my whole family and there will be a lot of noise and a lot of people and I can feel my anxiety start 2 creep up just thinking about it... even the thought of getting presents is stressing me! Itz 2 busy 4 me 2 go 2 the shops, so I've ordered stuff online, but because of the bad weather we haven't had any mail in a week and a half, so I'm worried my presents don't turn up in time!!!! Geez lol x

Purple Fish
09-12-10, 15:44
Bless ya, christmas is definately a time to test us! Although I've been through my husband being made redundant this year and I feel more stressed about christmas!!

Weird how we all react sometimes! Just remember it's never as bad as you imagine it!

Take care x

09-12-10, 15:59
The thought is always worse than the deed.

I'm going late night shopping this evening, yes its going to be heaving, tons of people, loads of queuing up.................i'm agoraphobic.

However, after the enormous amount of panic attacks i've had over the years, not once have i ever fainted, not once have my legs ever gone from underneath me, it comes, its horrible and frightening and then it goes.

So i no longer sit here and think what if the panic comes, i now think, well its never hurt me.

Tonight i'm inviting it along, it will have to come shopping with me because i am not running, and nor am i scared of it.

It will soon get bored :D

Tanya, hope you have a fab night tomorrow xx

09-12-10, 17:59
Try to look for the little things about it that you enjoy rather than looking at it as one big thing to conquer. The days will go past whether you worry about them or not so in every day I try to look at something nice about it all.

My Christmas tree with it's red roses on it, the thought of people opening the gifts that I have chosen or just the fine fine taste of a huge cooked turkey and eating far too much so I can't move off the sofa.

Enjoy your time out with your friends x

Purple Fish
10-12-10, 10:39
Thank you!

I am looking forward to tonight and I've just painted my nails so I'm ready!!
I am a bit worried about my son at the moment as he's off school with a headache and temperature and he just keeps sleeping on and off. Best thing to do though i know.
Tried getting him a doc's appointment for today but there is nothing til Monday. Hopefully he'll be better by then!

Tanya x