View Full Version : The Stomach Chronicles

09-12-10, 15:39
Im sure all IBS sufferers have often thought, this is probably not IBS but something more sinister?

I'm now in day 6 of constant stomach discomfort and pain which may I add has been ongoing intermitently for about 2 years!

The usual greeting upon waking of 'Oh what a beautiful morning' has now been replaced with 'Bugger me, here we go again.'

My food intake so far today has been 3 small slices of toast for breakfast and it's now 3.15pm and I'm still feeling bloated and nauseas! Obviously, once again I am led to believe that I have Stomach Cancer and it's just a matter of time before the Specialists, Surgeons, GPs and Gastroentologists realise that all the Blood tests, Endoscopies and Colonoscopy reports were wrong and that I do in fact have a serious and probably terminal illness!

I am left wondering just how on earth a 56 year old skinny weakling like myself is suppose to survive when he feels too bloated, nauseas and in pain to move most of the day and, so far, everyday?

I feel I must also mention that Joy of Joys, I have suffered from Coeliac Disease for 15 years and my diet is restricted enough at it is!

My medication of Buscopan and Omeprazole is virtually useless in relieving the symptoms, although it does provide me with some enthusiasm when administered, as I now look upon it as something to bloody eat if nothing else!

I hear of IBS coming in bouts, some frequent and some less. But I am somewhat concerned that I never get a break and the only relief (if I can call it that) is from sitting down most of the time, standing is most uncomfortable and will produce more discomfort in the upper abdominal quadrants. Needless to say, the Anxiety will just snowball!

Therefore, as I say, I have written off IBS as my malaise and am now convinced that all the NHS technology was wrong and I am right!

I am at the point of feeling like getting a gun and shooting myself or, shitting myself, whichever comes first, and with my luck it will probably be both!

Honestly, this country!


Old Misery Guts


09-12-10, 20:06
yes your right i think most ibs sufferers have thought omg this cant be just ibs because i have the bloated pain feels like a football is shoved under my left ribs and buscopan isnt helping and peppermint capsules are adding to my pain by giving me acid if i do have a good day im always on edge because i know how unpredictable ibs can be my sister has it too and she has pain every day it is a horrible [painful syndrome which can rule your life hope you feel better soon horse x

09-12-10, 20:27
Thanks for your post.

09-12-10, 20:42
Here's a :bighug1:from me as well. My IBS is driving me mad at the moment. It seems to have been particularly bad for the last 6-8 weeks and I've had just about every IBS symptom you can think of. I've had a few brief breaks from it in this period, but it just seems to come straight back again after a few days and every time I look at food, I wonder whether it's going to upset it even more.

Needless to say, it's been frightening me to death and I'm fed up of it.

09-12-10, 22:06
Food is great fun isn't it?

I've eaten a small amount of chicken and a bit of rice and I feel like I've had a xmas dinner!

09-12-10, 22:13
Horsey :hugs:. Sorry you feel so bad and that you are struggling to eat. Before I was given meds for IBS, I suffered horribly constant nausea, loads of pain etc. I think you can feel really quite ill when it's "just" IBS and nothing worse. Would it be worth going back to the doc and asking if he could try something else for the symptoms you have? Or would suggesting that make you want to shoot me as well?

10-12-10, 00:12
To be honest Jane, I have a follow up appointement with the Gastro specialist a week on Monday. So I quite expect a change of medication and further blood tests including another Endoscopy, which will be my 5th over the last 15 years. However, I will admit that I never drink much fluid during the day. Only about 4 cups of tea......not good.

Bless you anyway!

10-12-10, 10:11
Good luck with the appointment and let us know how it goes. Meant to add, I have a friend who has coeliac disease and it's no fun at all x

10-12-10, 13:15
Horse obviously having caeliac disease you eat gluten free but sometimes its not just the gluten that is the problem but the other things in wheat that are or its the fibre content. I have IBS and if I eat too much fibre especially wholemeal bread or any bread come to that then I spend 24 hrs on the loo - I do not have caeliac disease and have been tested for wheat intolerance and did not have it so can only assume its the fibre content. A healthy diet is the worst thing I can do!

10-12-10, 13:27
Hi Horse

I too suffer with IBS and have do e for the past 16 yrs. Its horrible isn't it. Luckly buscopan works for me at the moment but sometimes its so bad even that doesn't do anything - like you I get "enthuiastic" about taking the meds in the hope it might just do something and when having a bad bout of it I lie there writhing in agony thinking "this can't just be IBS!" Even though I know deep deep down it is.

Oh the joys of having a dodgy gut

Just wanted ot let you know you are not alone in the suffering.


10-12-10, 14:21
Country girl.
Many thanks. I'm on a strict Gluten and Wheatfree diet so no chance of any contamination there. I am now wondering about the bread in general too as somedays I'm OK and some I'm not. Glute/wheatfree bread is bad enough but better than nothing, Same with fibre as well, sometimes OK, sometimes not! Not sure what the alternative is without bread? So used to eating sandwich or toast etc.

Many thanks for your reply.
Nothing like the feeling that someones kicked you in the ribs is there?

10-12-10, 15:56
Anxiety makes IBS and its symptoms worse... it has somthing to do with the increased cortisol levels the anxiety produces. Not to forget to metion alot of IBS symptoms can be symptoms of anxiety too...

I dont perosnally have IBS but when my HA is bad then I have all the symptoms you have mentioned. Not fun at all... Plus of course the Anxiety loves to thrive on it all too, just making it worse...

Trust me when I say the tests are right and you dont have stomach cancer. You have IBS AND HA, thats the cause of your issues...

Oh and I had a stomach issues a few weeks back (for 6 weeks).. my toddler passed on a parasite from kindy (eww eh?) and I swore there was somthing major wrong (well tillt he rest of the family caught it)... Have you had a stool sample testing for bacteria, parasites ect done jus tto rule it all out... Im sure its not but hey you never know right?

10-12-10, 16:52
Yep, stool sample tested as well.

10-12-10, 17:31
ohhhh i know the feelin well with bells on,,i spent twenty years on the loo,,or rolling around in chronic pain,,everytime i ate anything id have to run for at least two hours after,,i was chatting to a lady on another forum about my migraines and bad stomach ,,triggers ect,,when she said i sounded like her hubby before it was discovered he had ceoliacs ,,i took what she said onboard,,cut out wheat n gluten,,my life altered straight away,,i can now eat real food,,,lol,,,my tummys no longer huge like im six months pregnant,,yes i still have chronic pain from my ibs,,especially under my ribs on the left hand side,,feels like a lump,, but i can live with that,,and a combo of colpermin and co codemols help,,,but i still cant eat certain foods even though they are wheat free,,because of the yeast,,are you sure you dont have another alergy as well as wheat,,i cant have peppers,,beetroot,,orangejuice or any citrus ,,milk,,chocolate,,theres loads,,i still am norty at times and eat it,,but know full well im gonna pay the price rofl

21-12-10, 16:47
I'm now in day 6 of constant stomach discomfort and pain which may I add has been ongoing intermitently for about 2 years!
(I have been suffering with stomach problems for about a year now and all for doctors to just keep sending me home with all different kinds of antacidswhich have yet never worked)

The usual greeting upon waking of 'Oh what a beautiful morning' has now been replaced with 'Bugger me, here we go again.' (my good morning is now always replaced with awwww my pains r back again!!

My food intake so far today has been 3 small slices of toast for breakfast and it's now 3.15pm (my daily intake intake for food is usually just toast, ham sandwich and few biscuits) and I'm still feeling bloated and nauseas (always feeling nausea and bloated ) ! Obviously, once again I am led to believe that I have Stomach Cancer ( am always thinking the what if's or is this something more than the doctors are telling me as they are saying it is just acid reflux or MAYBE an ulcer i will not no until i have an
Endoscopy on the 31st this month )
I am left wondering just how on earth a 56 year old skinny weakling like myself is suppose to survive when he feels too bloated, nauseas and in pain to move most of the day and, so far, everyday? (i am always asking and wondering how am still alive i have lost 2stone am not just under 6stone, 5ft3" and 28 years old i always think y am i given this life ??

My medication of Buscopan and Omeprazole is virtually useless in relieving the symptoms, (i was on Omeprazole and they were basically crap am now on Lansoprazole 30mg only just started so yet to see if they are of any use)

I hear of IBS coming in bouts, some frequent and some less. But I am somewhat concerned that I never get a break and the only relief (if I can call it that) is from sitting down most of the time, standing is most uncomfortable and will produce more discomfort in the upper abdominal quadrants. Needless to say, the Anxiety will just snowball! (My pains are always around my abdomen and i always think i have IBS my mum n sisters all have IBS but yet my doctor has always dis-missed this if i ask)

am just sick of feeling this way 24/7 with no proper diganoises at all i am however getting an Endoscopy on the 31st this month at 9.30am :-) so hopefully then i will have the full results or at least some more insights as to what is going on in my stomach abdomen area also though i am finding i get burning pain between my shoulder blades ??