View Full Version : need some advice

09-12-10, 16:26
hey everyone,

i've been off work now for 7 months because of my anxiety and panic attacks, but now the pressure is really getting to me needing to get a job now, so im looking for advice on how to control my anxiety attacks better to get back to work, maybe calming and breathing techs, vitamins, foods and oils anything to help my anxiety.

my doc wont prescribe me meds because he said it will only suppress the symptoms and wont get rid of the problem even tho i feel i need a lil extra just to help me, i know what hes saying is probably true but i think it would help for me to get a normal life back, does anyone think i should get a second opinion or go to an anxiety specialist??

any advice would be amazing as im getting quite desperate thanks,


paula lynne
09-12-10, 16:32
Hi Ricky, a second opinion may be in order to reassure you, as lots of people respond well to medication. However, I sort of agree with your gp, in some instances, anxiety can be well controlled with the other methods you mention.

I guess if its affecting your quality of life and you find it difficult to function on a daily basis, seeing an anxiety specialist sounds like a good idea. I stopped taking meds 7 years ago. It meant letting in the panic full force, and it was highly unpleasant for a while. However, I faced it head on and it no longer controls me, although blips happen.

I wish you all the best whatever you decide x

09-12-10, 16:52
thanks for replying paula

i guess your a lil braver then i am facing it full on, i think i will go and see an anxiety specialist as this does affect my every day life and reality is kicking back in money wise :(

thanks again
