View Full Version : really anxious chest pains and is there a virus going round at the moment?

09-12-10, 17:04
Hi there does anybody know if there is a virus going around at the moment? Ive had a pain in my shoulder that is how it started and then a sharp stabbing pain on the left side of my chest above my nipple that comes and goes every two or 3 minutes and lasts for a second or two Ive also had a pain in my left arm last night and I never slept at all last night for worrying about what could be wrong. I feel hot and cold and woke up very nauseated and off my food and Ive had a really bad headache for 2 days and I never get headaches. I have a slight cough at the moment. Im too scared to go to hospital. I had an endoscopy in May which showed I had gastritis, inflammation of the osephagus and a hiatus hernia I was so anxious I had to have sedation before the sedation I am now convinced there is something wrong with my heart Ive had 2 ecgs this year and gp wont do another one as he thinks its my stomach and my head!! I have been stupidly googling all my symptoms and come up with horrendous answers like pulmonary embolism and heart problems But if it was a heart attack would it go on as long as 16 hours?? Im really anxious

09-12-10, 17:07
There's a sick bug going round at the moment, I don't know if it's all over the UK but is definatley in the West Mids!

If you've had 2 ECGs this year that means your heart is fine. I don't think a heart attack can go on for 16 hours (not sure?) but anxiety definatley can! You're probably a bit poorly and your winding yourself up giving you these horrible mix of symptoms. Drink a lot of water and get some rest, you'll be ok! :) xx

09-12-10, 17:47
theres definiley virus' going round here in lincolnshire! ive had a cold and sinusitus on and off for weeks now, including chest and shoulder pains which comes with the sinusitus. not very nice.

like pokerface says, drink plenty of fluids, rest loads and try not to worry, your just feeling run down x

09-12-10, 17:59
Omg are you kidding? This sounds like what I've got. I've had mine since Friday evening so going on a week now I think I've been having heart problems.

Mine is a bit like a squeezing every so often though and I feel sick.

Been panicking all week and dr has just dismissed it.

I dint know whether you're male or female but I read womens heart problems were located here so have really been making myself anxious over it.