View Full Version : Can't Cope!

09-12-10, 19:53
I just seem to be going more and more downhill.

I have so many things wrong with me it makes me feel like i am dying or have something seriously wrong with me like Cancer or some other fatal or serious disease.

I am struggling like mad, I've got all this going on:-

*Feeling so weak/tired/lethargic
*Feel so nauseous like i am going to throw my guts up
*Jaws feel weak
*Facial pain/Jaw pain/Cheekbone pain/Ear pain
*Throat pain/Sore throat
*Difficulty Swallowing
*Feeling of something stuck in my throat
*Feels like food is stuck in my chest
*Chest discomfort
*Feel really dizzy and light-headed
*Achy in loads of places
*Bloated stomach
*Stomach pain/Side pains
*Lower back pain/Sometimes pain in-between my shoulder blades.
*Feel like all i wanna do is sleep

When is this going to end?

09-12-10, 19:57
Call NHS 24 if it's that bad.


09-12-10, 19:58

I really feel for you but it won't end until you start to take responsibility for yourself and do some self-help and I keep saying this to you.

Read the First Steps page on here for some advice and go to the NMP shop and read some of the free downloadable leaflets as well.

You have to start looking after yourself - we cannot do that for you.

09-12-10, 20:02
Despite your clear problems Eggy, why do you not try focusing on other members problems or calls for advice and help just as something different?

It is very beneficial to try helping other people as it takes your mind away from your own issues.

09-12-10, 20:10
When is this going to end?

I think many of us are wondering the same Eggy.

I would repeat what I said here


and if it gets too bad see your doc again ASAP or ring NHS Direct.

09-12-10, 20:29
have you been diagnosed with anxiety, depression?
you could just go to the hospital if your very ill , they'd know what to do. :)

09-12-10, 21:55

I will possibly be beaten down for saying this and it may possibly fall on deff ears but i'm going to say it anyway....

I have been a member of this site for a few years and i have NEVER saw the likes of your posts before.

Yes people can post frequently if they are worried about a certain symptom and that's competely understadable but i have NEVER saw someone who has so many symptoms that may change/alter on a daily basis.

I do understand that you are suffering and i do feel for you. We have all advised you to the best of our ability and will continue to do so but this is bordering on the rediculous. You either need to find out if you have some undiscovered illness or suffering from an anxiety related condition. Either way, it NEEDS a medical professional to answer your multitude of questions/symptoms/ailments.

people are beginning to become confused as they answer one of your posts, then suddenly appears another one on a different forum outlining other symptoms.

If your GP can't answer your concerns then i think it's about time you thought of asking for a second opinion because this really does need addressing.


09-12-10, 22:42

You CAN and you WILL start to COPE once you know WHY

You are stuck in a rut of unnecessary worry and you are making yourself worse day by day.

Buy or borrow a copy of the one or both of the following books as recommended on here and various other websites. Both are available from NMP or Amazon and mine cost me £10 for the pair (including delivery) from totnes_books on Amazon. They came within 3 days.

Don't be put off by the titles...they are not just about being nervous at all. The books are FANTASTIC and are written by a doctor. Everything you mention you suffer from is in them including WHY these horrible symptoms happen.

It's all to do with anxiety/stress/worry etc and how it causes oversensitisation of nerves due to adrenalin etc etc. This oversentitisation results in the nerves, muscles, and everything else going bonkers.. which leads to every symptom and illness you get or have mentioned.

Once you read one of these books (which are very easy to follow and understand) you will find that you suddenly turn a huge corner in your life when you suddenly realsise that YOU are making your body feel like it does but also why IT is also making YOU feel the way you do ie ILL !!

I was in bed most of the time recently because I felt so very ill with different things... now I know why it all happens and that none of it is a real illlness... just my mood playing tricks on my bodys nervous system and it playing tricks back on me.

After only 2 weeks most of my more so called 'severe illnesses' are now very managable and some have even gone because I've learnt to ignore them and not worry myself sick over them....

I dont even try and fight them as worry fear and fight all release more adrenaline which causes more sensitisation which causes more bodily gripes and feelings of various illness. I still have some though but I can cope with them and they are not affecting my life like they used to and thanks to Tracey C on here I know suspect some are caused by silent migraines (thats a migraine without the headache). Not knowing what was happenning to my body finished up making me super anxious about my health all the time just like you.

Please please please read one of them Eggy for your own good... you really can't go on like this at your age. You need to get help but more importantly start helping yourself.

You CAN and you WILL start to COPE once you know WHY and once sou start to HELP YOURSELF

Author:Claire Weekes Buy on amazon (http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0722540132/nicsmismatcofuse/026-8842148-3244403) or in the NMPShop (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/shop/)
Title:Essential Help for Your Nerves

Author:Claire Weekes [URL="http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0722531559/nicsmismatcofuse/026-8842148-3244403"]Buy on amazon (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/nmp/books/419E9T5MS4L._SL500_AA300_.jpg) or in the NMPShop (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/shop/)
Title:Self Help for Your Nerves

09-12-10, 22:47
Dizz, What a brill person you are! :)

09-12-10, 23:20
I have been a member of this site for a few years and i have NEVER saw the likes of your posts before.

I feel that's very harsh on the original poster. I can totally relate to being in a constant state of anxiety and worry about 2/3 illnesses a day. It's called health anxiety and it's very easy to get into a habit of feeling desperate for help.

I feel pretty much I am dying alot of the time..I really question if I have anxiety. It's hard as I've been to the doctors a few times and had help for anxiety. I remind myself that I've had three blips where I felt awful for months before it eased to a degree I could live my life a little more relaxed.

Course It's better the OP get's it checked at the doctors but having noticed a few of there posts I can relate to that feeling. It kind of annoys me when there's some posts or replies that don't help.

But all I can say is I have seen all those symptoms before and most sound like anxiety. Difficulty Swallowing is very common with anxiety..as are headaches. If all is fine at the doctors it's better to tackle the anxiety get some CBT books or go on a course. That should certainly be of some benefit.

Final word..a combination of all those symptoms will make you feel you can cope..but you will as it's human nature to battle on...but be positive and remember you have good days.

09-12-10, 23:32
Aww thank Gaaron... but I'm just like everyone else on here who has, or is, suffering and who tries to help others too or search for answers.

We are all BRILL, you included :yesyes:

Going home
09-12-10, 23:48
Phil, its also not fair to jump on Lisa for what she said, and quoting only one sentence of her post is taking her post out of context. We all know that people suffer with HA and some more than others and I think you are also an extreme case, which is why you support Eggy because he is also an extreme case. You may not want to read that but its true. Most of the members are not experts, only fellow sufferers and to be presented with the huge list of symtoms, as well as the huge amount of threads...often within minutes of each other takes its toll on some of us ok?

We do try to help and constantly you may have noticed, but when NOTHING we say for weeks or even months seems to penetrate then the going is very tough for the people who try to help HA sufferers like you and Eggy. He actually does have a few physical problems but they aren't serious and are very treatable and his list of symptoms, and yours actually, can be felt by most people with or without anxiety if they take the time and trouble to examine every single part of their body, but Eggy has an unfortunate habit of just ignoring most people when they offer help and I can honestly say that ive NEVER seen him reply to anybody else's distress, not to try to comfort them or just to send a hug, and for other sufferers that can seem very rude at times to be honest.

So think about lisa's feelings, also as an admin who has to monitor threads and posts, before you judge her.


10-12-10, 00:01
Phil, its also not fair to jump on Lisa for what she said, and quoting only one sentence of her post is taking her post out of context. We all know that people suffer with HA and some more than others and I think you are also an extreme case, which is why you support Eggy because he is also an extreme case. You may not want to read that but its true. Most of the members are not experts, only fellow sufferers and to be presented with the huge list of symtoms, as well as the huge amount of threads...often within minutes of each other takes its toll on some of us ok?

We do try to help and constantly you may have noticed, but when NOTHING we say for weeks or even months seems to penetrate then the going is very tough for the people who try to help HA sufferers like you and Eggy. He actually does have a few physical problems but they aren't serious and are very treatable and his list of symptoms, and yours actually, can be felt by most people with or without anxiety if they take the time and trouble to examine every single part of their body, but Eggy has an unfortunate habit of just ignoring most people when they offer help and I can honestly say that ive NEVER seen him reply to anybody else's distress, not to try to comfort them or just to send a hug, and for other sufferers that can seem very rude at times to be honest.

So think about lisa's feelings, also as an admin who has to monitor threads and posts, before you judge her.


Ok I can see your point. The reason I put a point in as I have been there, had a similar talking to and it's really not helped me. That's why I will remind us many will have "been there" low/can't cope/desperate stage before..it's a lonely dark place so maybe be easy on them?

But sometimes all the help in the world won't help as only you can pull yourself out of it. When you are deep in anxiety anything from doctors to people on here can't get through to everybody.

Sadly no advice people post can come guaranteed it will help. Though I'd like to think it helps but at the same time they say asking for too much reassurance won't help either. It's not my place to say but if somebody is not listening I'd have thought sending a PM message would be better? Sometimes a person can feel very guilty for wanting to get help/take advice but just can't find it in themselves hence why CBT/Counselling or ANY professional help is the only way.

As great as this site can be sometimes sometimes it can be a bit of confusion and so on..anyway not meaning to but in and cause offense. :)

Going home
10-12-10, 00:23
That's ok phil, and thanks for your reply. I understand what you mean about PMs, but to be honest, Eggy was in contact with RLR who as you know is a retired GP, and it seems that even his reassurences didn't get through...so there's not much hope for the rest of us really is there? HA is an awful thing, but there are only so many reassurences people can give over time and then you have to ask if its beyond anything we can help with? We will keep on trying, and I know you do too, but the amount of threads that Eggy has going are confusing alot of people who are really trying to help him.

Take care
Anna x

10-12-10, 02:10
I think a lot of us have the same symptoms as Eggy.
After he has had all the tests he will then know if it's just anxiety or if it's some thing else.
again it's up to him to accept the outcome, what ever that may be.

10-12-10, 08:58
hi eggy, i beleive everyone who posts here has his own fears, problems etc, but you have to be positive, read abook, go for a walk, watch a movie, do anything that might stop you from thinking. i also read that you missed some doses of meds, meds right know are your priority, also when you wake up try to plan your day, feel thankfull that you woke up, think of how many people wish to at least can get out of bed. come on life is not that bad, its how you see it. now get up and do something, you are not alone in this. i visit frequently this forum and by reding other people problems i really feel that i m not alone. i also try to find something to motivate me in everything, for example my work requires that i shave evryday, i hate it, but by selecting diferent types of after shave i m enjoying it, i hate waking up early at the morning to go to work, so i cycle my way to work, im keeping fit , enjoying my hobby and helping with my anxiety, simple things can really help. a few months ago i couldnt stay alone at home, today 3 months after i am here alone at home, im on leave today,my wife is at work, i m listening to soft jazz music, with insence burning, reading a book, and writing this post. i hope you find the right way to relax a little.



10-12-10, 09:14
Hi Eggy,
I suffer with anxiety but i also have other health issues to acompany it, I have read that you have asked for various different referrals, but have you asked your doctor for a full psychological assesment to see if this is in fact nothing more than extreme anxiety, you need to think of asking for this type of referal the same as any other, this may be your illness, and if it is no amount of gastroenterologist of neurologist are going to be able to find anything on their tests or get you better. I am not suggesting that you should not continue with these appointments, but i think you should include a psychologist as an essential part of you recovery. even if the doctors found anything on your tests which was causing a physical illness, it sounds as though you have gotten yourself so anxious over time that you would still benefit from a psychological based treatment, to get you over the anxiety. The symptoms you have are so varied and so many of them that they do sound typical of anxiety, i do understand you needing to rule everything else out, but you also need to find out if anxiety is the cause. x

10-12-10, 11:01
Eggy... how are you feeling today and have you ordered the book I mentioned yet.

x x x

10-12-10, 11:10
The thing that strikes me about your complaints is that they're all things that involve feelings/ pain/sensations ..... there really is nothing there thats producing anything physical that a gp can grab onto to investigate....... high blood pressure, coughing up blood, collapsing unconconscious in the street etc etc....... you feel like your jaws are weak, somethings stuck in your throat, you're going to throw up, the food's stuck in your chest but the food obviously gets through and you look adequately nourished in your photo!!.... these are all "sensations" with no physical cause so the time has come to accept that.
The puzzling thing is that, as others have commented, you seem to just ignore any advice/comments made by other people.... far more experienced than myself!...... as though they were never made. Do you read the replies? Do you take any notice/action if/when you read the replies? We'd all love to find the magic solution to our problems and it to be served up on a plate to us but unfortunately, things aren't so simple and you must make effort yourself as well.

10-12-10, 12:42
To be honest with you Eggy my friend, you may discover that by ignoring a large percentage of the comments and advice given to you on here, you may be cutting off your nose to spite your face, in as much as nobody will probably answer your posts anymore!

If your are honestly suffering then why don't you take yourself off to A and E just for piece of mind?

10-12-10, 13:43
I think Geoff's making some very good points here - particularly about "sensations". I can get completely hung up on these as well, and have done in the past (to a huge extent a couple of times). It took me a long time to get my head round this concept and all the while, I was convinced they were all symptoms of "something".

10-12-10, 13:46
I do understand that you are suffering and i do feel for you. We have all advised you to the best of our ability and will continue to do so but this is bordering on the rediculous. You either need to find out if you have some undiscovered illness or suffering from an anxiety related condition. Either way, it NEEDS a medical professional to answer your multitude of questions/symptoms/ailments.

Meaning with such 'severe' HA, i believe the poster NEEDS a medical professional, doctor/counsellor to spend some time to explain exactly what is going on and why he is feeling this way. Hopefully this would ease his mind leading to symptoms beginning to settle down. They could also explain ways/techniques to alleviate some of the tension.

My HA didn't start to improve until my GP at the time, sat me down for over 45 minutes, listened to my symptoms and worries and then explained exactly why i was feeling this way. That was about fifteen years ago and don't get me wrong, i do still suffer but rather than jump into panic mode, i reason with it and it eventually goes again.

people are beginning to become confused as they answer one of your posts, then suddenly appears another one on a different forum outlining other symptoms

People are answering these posts, clicking 'submit reply' then a short time later a similar posts appears on a different forum so they go read then discover they have already replied to this. We have no problem with people posting frequesntly, we would just hope that they would add to their original thread rather than create more for more or less the same reason.

Hope this helps


10-12-10, 19:41
Thank you for your replies everyone, I'm not really feeling any better today.

I will be more than happy to accept that i am suffering from anxiety, Once everything else has been ruled out.

On Monday, I am having a full blood test done again to recheck everything like ESR and CRP etc etc, The doctor ordered this, It wasn't something i asked to be done.

In 13 days time i am due to see an ENT Specialist and i will have to mention my facial pain/ear pain and problems with my throat such as difficulty swallowing, throat pain and sore throats.

In 5 weeks time i am due to see the Gastroentrologist for my abdominal pain and problems with my stools etc and for maybe other things to do with my Esophagus.

I have had dental checks and even been to the Opticians today and i need to wear glasses as my right eye is a bit dodgy.

Over the past few months i have had numerous blood tests, A Chest X-Ray, A Mouth X-Ray, A neurological examination done by my GP.

I also had to do a urine sample on Tuesday which was sent to the hospital, I don't know the results of that yet.

I have had 5 Vitamin B12 Injections, I am having my last one done on Monday.

I guess these would be the best and worse outcomes:-


Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Acid Reflux


Stomach Cancer
Throat Cancer
Esophagus Cancer
Bowel Cancer
Brain Tumour
Some other serious/fatal disease

10-12-10, 20:16
Gosh Eggy fair play to you and your doctor.. at least you are getting the tests you want and I'm sure they will come back fine for you and finally your mind can be put at rest eh x x

As for the outcomes... oooh you are naughty.... I presume you have 'decided' what the worst case scenarious might be as I very much doubt your doctor actually said those to you.

Have you ordered that book yet... I will keep asking you until you say you have ordered it, and then I'll keep checking that you have read it until you say you have... and just to be on the safe side I'll test you on it just to make sure you aren't fibbing.

Honestly it WILL help you x x

10-12-10, 20:22
I hope all the tests come back clear x

10-12-10, 20:31
Don't think there's anything anyone here can say to change how you feel - it's really up to you to take or leave our advice (although you do have a nasty habit of leaving it).

I personally think you should be referred to see a psychiatrist/psychologist rather than more "tests" (apart from the ones your GP deems necessary).

I do feel for you Eggy and hope you get over this nightmare HA.

10-12-10, 20:32
Gosh Eggy fair play to you and your doctor.. at least you are getting the tests you want and I'm sure they will come back fine for you and finally your mind can be put at rest eh x x

As for the outcomes... oooh you are naughty.... I presume you have 'decided' what the worst case scenarious might be as I very much doubt your doctor actually said those to you.

Have you ordered that book yet... I will keep asking you until you say you have ordered it, and then I'll keep checking that you have read it until you say you have... and just to be on the safe side I'll test you on it just to make sure you aren't fibbing.

Honestly it WILL help you x x

I ordered one some time ago off Ebay but it never came, I will definitely order it again though and you can test me if you want :)

10-12-10, 20:32
I hope all the tests come back clear x

Thank you Mishel :D

10-12-10, 20:38
Don't think there's anything anyone here can say to change how you feel - it's really up to you to take or leave our advice (although you do have a nasty habit of leaving it).

I personally think you should be referred to see a psychiatrist/psychologist rather than more "tests" (apart from the ones your GP deems necessary).

I do feel for you Eggy and hope you get over this nightmare HA.


My GP must feel that tests are required to send me to an ENT & Gastroentrologist.

10-12-10, 20:58
Eggy - I sell the book so you can order it from me and I will even print off some leaflets for you to read and there is a great A4 book on HA too.

The GP is sending you for the tests to reassure you there is nothing wrong that is all.

10-12-10, 20:59
...but that is a classic HA misconception Eggy and a classic example of how some GP's exacerbate it.

Your Doctor may just be at the end of their tether and referring you in the vain hope that you will be reassured, when in fact it just makes you more paranoid and anxious that something must be wrong.

Bad doctoring. Not to mention a waste of resources.

Maybe I am wrong. Maybe something will show up, and all of your stressing about your physical health will be vindicated.

10-12-10, 21:10
...but that is a classic HA misconception Eggy and a classic example of how some GP's exacerbate it.

Your Doctor may just be at the end of their tether and referring you in the vain hope that you will be reassured, when in fact it just makes you more paranoid and anxious that something must be wrong.

Bad doctoring. Not to mention a waste of resources.

Maybe I am wrong. Maybe something will show up, and all of your stressing about your physical health will be vindicated.

Who knows? Will just have to wait and see, I don't think my GP would be at the end of their tether, I have only been seeing this GP since September.

10-12-10, 21:15

I've had mouth and throat problems for almost 3 years now, i went for blood tests and they came back clear.

I still have them................but i put it down to anxiety.

I trust my doc, in fact i trust all five of them who said i had nothing to worry about, some were locums.

I've witnessed many people with cancer, it was part of my job.

But life is too short and i didn't want to spend it worrying over what i was going to get or what i was going to die of, what would be the point?

You could end up spending your whole life worrying what you are going to die of and live to the grand age of 95, and you would have wasted it worrying that the big c or something else was going to get you.

It grieves me that you do this to yourself.

Live life and try and be happy.

10-12-10, 21:23
Any problems with Bowels and the digestive tract need checking out .If it is IBS . It will only be diagnosed when all other possibilities have been ruled out .A lot of bowel diseases and disorders can have similar symptoms .They do send you for tests if things dont improve .Its to protect themselves as much as trying to put the patients mind at ease .Once you get proper diagnosis Eggy you will then have to do what is suggested to get yourself well .Im sure its nothing serious as Ive had the same myself with regard to Stomach /Bowel symptoms .I didnt suffer with H/A AND did worry considerably ,which only made the symptoms worse .Good luck with your TESTS .I do hope you will be able to accept the diagnosis of each and get your self sorted for the New year :yesyes:.t/c Sue x

10-12-10, 21:34
I honestly don't think "Egg" is "wasting resources" He is having physical symptoms and I think he has every right to have them investigated.

what about all those people who binge drink on weekends and end up in the ER? they still have the right to be treated.
what about people who end up getting cancer from smoking?
or people who's weight problems caused them health problems?
or drug users or alcoholics who go into treatment some times more than once.

I think we just need to try not to personalize this and not to judge him.

10-12-10, 21:40
I honestly don't think "Egg" is "wasting resources" He is having physical symptoms and I think he has every right to have them investigated.

what about all those people who binge drink on weekends and end up in the ER? they still have the right to be treated.
what about people who end up getting cancer from smoking?
or people who's weight problems caused them health problems?
or drug users or alcoholics who go into treatment some times more than once.

I think we just need to try not to personalize this and not to judge him.

I'm not sure where you believe this has been made 'personal' Mishel.

I'm sorry, I don't agree with you. It IS a waste of resources when patients who are suffering unadressed mental health problems causing numerous perceived physical ailments are referred, INSTEAD of their actual underlying issues being treated, ie. HA.

By the way, the analogy you make - whilst I know some may say that is just as questionable - is made up of people with ACTUAL physical problems, even if it is by their own hand.

I think you are now judging us to be honest.

10-12-10, 21:43
I honestly don't think "Egg" is "wasting resources" He is having physical symptoms and I think he has every right to have them investigated.

what about all those people who binge drink on weekends and end up in the ER? they still have the right to be treated.
what about people who end up getting cancer from smoking?
or people who's weight problems caused them health problems?
or drug users or alcoholics who go into treatment some times more than once.

I think we just need to try not to personalize this and not to judge him.

Thank you Mishel.

I don't smoke, I don't take drugs and i barely touch Alcohol, Only now and then like at Christmas and other occasions.

10-12-10, 22:07
I have every sympathy with eggy, but we cannot diagnose and nor can we do any tests.

And if Eggy has every single test going, we still can't help him to diagnose.

We cannot give medical advice here and in all honesty there are so many on the forum here that also need help and i don't think starting new threads continually helps, it doesn't reassure eggy and it doesn't help those who go missed because of all these threads.

Eggy, i do hope you get the reassurance you need and the diagnosis, but all these threads over the same symptoms need to stop.............stick to one............it is making our job as admin so difficult, especially when people start disagreeing.

10-12-10, 22:16
I think he should have one "main" tread maybe :blush:
it would make it easier too in the sense of being able to reply to the latest post.

10-12-10, 22:24
I do too . .I replied to one the other day and then noticed another one .It had more information So I had to go back and edit the previous one .Got meself in a right kerfuffle ....:wacko::doh: :unsure: :shrug: sue :roflmao:

10-12-10, 22:34
:hugs:bless you sue.

10-12-10, 22:40
Who knows? Will just have to wait and see, I don't think my GP would be at the end of their tether, I have only been seeing this GP since September.

Okay mate you seem to be worried about cancer; I have trouble with anxiety/depression or STRESS as I now call it, and have been having difficulties over the last eight/nine years.

Getting back to what seems to be your primary concern cancer; well I've had cancer twice in the last eighteen months (had a second operationjust over two weeks ago).

You know what, you get through it, I've had a couple of twitchy ring moments but I'm still here plodding on so cancer - it don't sweat me.

Stress itself for me is far worse than having cancer and has caused me a far greater amount of anguish, so if it helps you now know the thoughts are far worse than the actual situation.

Cancer - forget about it.

blue moon
11-12-10, 01:33
Eggy,day after day I read same things wrong with you,maybe take time out and just try relax for awhile,try some exercise it does help,and learn to breath properly,worry all the time brings on lot's of symptoms......time to take a long hard look at You and only then will you feel better......Take Care of You and Your Mind...
Love Petra x:flowers:

11-12-10, 21:27
I'll be testing you Eggy :winks: x x