View Full Version : ectopic pregnancy/cancer worry has started :(

09-12-10, 20:55
I'm going off my head. I looked in the mirror and right here:

is swollen,it's not in my head even my mum can see it.

I took a pregnancy test this morning,the third one and they are all negative but I am freaking out that I have an ectopic pregnancy and it's growing in my ovary and that is why it's swollen..that or its cancer.My groin and lower right pelvic area is really sore and I keep freaking out.I have a sore back and it's so sore to walk and I havent' had my period.The last time I had sex was beginning of oct cos I'm freaked out and I think I'd be at the stage that if it was it would burst and I would die.

I dunno what to do. I can't get i tout og my head! :'( please help,I'm also getting white chalky discharge also

09-12-10, 21:03
Why not pop along and see the doc. I am not sure we can reassure you without an examination

09-12-10, 21:13
You would be in agony if you had an ectopic pregnancy and in bed unable to sleep .Id definately go to the Dr and get his opinion .Otherwise you will make yourself worry all weekend.. T/C and I hope you feel better soon . sue

09-12-10, 21:15
It's just nice to be heard I suppose Nic :( Just feel really alone with it. Fed up feeling like I'mm managing and then I can't cope. :weep: xx

09-12-10, 21:16
Thanks suzie *hugs* I just have all these thoughts running round my head and Im freaking cos of the swelling :( xx

10-12-10, 03:20

It's definitely something you should get checked out, but don't panic yourself too much. It may just be muscle or gland inflammation from having a virus recently, or you may have accidentally knocked yourself without realising and caused some swelling. You may also find that it could be some intestinal inflammation and you've just picked up a bug or have some constipation. Check in with your doctor and I'm sure they'll figure it out anc calm you down in no time :)

10-12-10, 12:08
Hi there, I have had 2 ectopics pregnancies, I had no lump both times dear...I had alot of pain and I was bleeding continuasly and felt really really ill....

We have lymphnodes all along our groin area...if you have picked up a bit of a cold or flu (tis the season) they can swell up, there's also lymphnodes near armpits aswell and along the back of your neck and throat.

Don't fret...I am no doctor but have had experience with tubal pregnancies, as well as swollen lymphnodes due to colds and flus...check it out with your doc though if it will make you feel better!


10-12-10, 12:27
Hi there, Im new here but I thought Id chime in :)

What you describe isnt a symptom of ectopic pregnancy at all. Like someone else mentioned you have ALOT of pain, spotting or bleeding and your would test positive on a pregnancy test... There is no way swelling like that would occour becuse your tube/ovary (ovarian ectopics are super rare btw) would rupture before it got to that point....

Also if it were cancer your glads would be up (hardle marble like fixed nodules) in your groin, youd have pain and bleeding most likley. Trust me if it were ovarian cancer and your were that swollen youd be in pain.

You have a ovarian cyst... trust me. I bet the pain radiates into your hip and down behind your knee too right? I also bet its gotten worse progressivly and id also be willing to be it will come and go with your cycle. It will be either functional (soo when your about to ovulate) or a hormonal thing... How do I know you ask... I was in the EXACT same position you were about 2 months ago and mhy gosh it was painful!

Heres a test push along your pubic bone off to the side it hurts on, Id be willing to be its super painful when pushed off to the side a bit but close to the middle over the blader area too...

Go and see your doctor, get a ultrasound to confirm and so they can see how big it is and then you can be treated...

But sweetheart its NOT a ectopic pregnancy, its NOT cancer and your FINE! Your issue isnt even a symptom of what your worrying about and trust me my fear is cancer and Im know alot about pregnancy (had 2 babies myself) and I help run a pregnancy form :)

Let us know how you go ok!

10-12-10, 12:49
Hey honey!

I too have suffered from ectopic pregnancies. They cause an awful lot of pain an you know it's serious I remember i just knew something wasn't right! One thing I'd like to add is you can have an ectopic pregnancy and have a negative pregnancy test I did and lots of other people I know who have had them also had negative pregnancy tests don't want that to make you feel any worse or worry anymore than you do I just wanted to make people aware of it!

Go see your gp the likely hood is it's nothing serious but at least you will be reasurred!

Claire xxxx

10-12-10, 13:33
Hi Chick

I too agree you should go and get it checked by a Dr for your reassurance but i'm sure your fine - like the others have said you have lymph nodes there and any SLIGHT infection, cold/ flu etc or something as simple as a very small spot can cause one to swell. (I had a tiny tiny spot on the back of my head once and a gland near it swelled up).

You're just fine

Let us know how you get on



10-12-10, 23:30
Sitting breaking my heart :( I saw the doctor that I pestered when i had pelvic pain last year and I haven't seen her fora while..I didnt know it woul dbe her and I think she thinks I'm at it. :( She breifly felt about my stomach and told me I'm constipated..I'm not! I told her I felt swollen and it was worse on the right and that my groin was swollen it didn't bother her. I had to tell her I had white discharge which she gave me canisten for. My pelvis on the left is fine,along with my leg..there is no pain what so ever.the right side is visibly swollen and my leg and groin is swollen and it is actually making my leg chafe! I have had 3 neg preg tests and I'm still convinced I'm pregnant and that would be 10 weeks I would have been preg..it's that or an infection or a mass making me swollen. If it wasn't so indecent I would have took a bloody pic but I can't and I'm lost.

The doc visit has did nothing for me and I'm so sad. :weep:
Thanks all for listeingn to me. I just don't feel right.Something's up.

10-12-10, 23:47
Ok try and calm down first of all.

The doctor would not let you walk out if they had any doubts it was a failed pregnancy.

When you say you are not constipated - when did you last go and how often ?

It could be an infection hence the canisten.

I read this online for you:

If a sensitive urinary test is negative, then ectopic pregnancy is virtually excluded

You are not pregnant and you don't have an ectopic one.

try and calm down and you will be ok I am sure

10-12-10, 23:55
Hi Nic , I have bouts on and off of constipation. I don't go alot in a day really or I can go alot. Recently it's maybe been once a day or two.The last I went was yesterday afternoon.

I'm just a bit up the wall or well reallyup the wall because I haven't had a period since beginning of October round abouts and because of the offside swelling.I just genuinely look weird down there and it is real painful :(

What is a sensitive urine test? Is that the home tests ? I've did 2 and the doc did one a few weeks ago an dit was neg but when I start I start :( Thanks for responding xx

11-12-10, 00:25
Ok so probably not constipation then I agree

You could have a cyst or fibroids but not sure if you have been scanned for them or not?

Is is also common to miss periods when stressed or run down.

The sensitive thing is about how accurate the tests are but if the doc did one as well then it is 100% negative.

Is the pain in the right hand side in the groin area?

11-12-10, 00:37
It's all down the right side. Right hip bone,lower back,groin and thigh..The crease where my groin and leg is is remarkable different.But it's not as noticeable lying down cos my tummy flattens out a bit,when I'm stand ing I have a stomach so I dunno. Below my lower stomach just over the female organs you can see it swollen off to the right and I am in some pain to be honest :( x

macc noodle
11-12-10, 00:47
Hi WeeMee

Hope you feeling a bit better now?

You have to trust the doctor on this one I guess - I too have got lots of low down pelvic pain, pain in my butt (sciatiac nerve?), and cramping into tops of legs. Have had it noticeably since Tuesday evening.

Problem is the more I worry the worse it gets and the more I panic - utterly convinced I have something really bad - terminal - and too late to do anything about it! Am going to see doc. on Monday for some advice.

So you see, you are not alone in this - and I am sure that the doc. would not have sent you away if they felt it was something sinister.

Take care and try to sleep.


11-12-10, 00:51
The liver and gallbladder are on that side too so it could be anything or nothing.

You have to trust the doctor. If you are in so much pain the you could go to A&E but I don't think it is warranted to be honest.

11-12-10, 01:49
It's all down the right side. Right hip bone,lower back,groin and thigh..The crease where my groin and leg is is remarkable different.But it's not as noticeable lying down cos my tummy flattens out a bit,when I'm stand ing I have a stomach so I dunno. Below my lower stomach just over the female organs you can see it swollen off to the right and I am in some pain to be honest :( x

To me you have just described EXACTLY what an ovarian cyst feels like (see my earlier post). I had one recently and its IDENTICAL to as you described...

If your unhappy with your doctor get a second opinion... But yeah im CERTAIN its not a EP (at 10 weeks pregnanct it would have ruputured by now and youd be testing positive) or cancer....

Its a cyst, id bet my leg on it!

11-12-10, 03:49
Heya Wee-Mee,

From what you've said and what your doctor has decided it isn't anything dangerous or threatening otherwise she would have done some more in depth tests and stuff. It's obviously still worrying you so I suggest getting a second opinion from another doctor. If you really can't take what your doctor has said and think there must be something more go and see another doctor and get their opinion :)