View Full Version : violent shaking

10-12-10, 00:47
Does anyone know what causes the horrendous shakes/tremors? have them really bad tonight along with tight/painful chest and heartburn. Any ideas? x

10-12-10, 00:48
i usually get really shaky if there's something in specific i've been worried or stressed about that day. i also get a tight chest and heartburn most nights, though i myself am not sure why! x

10-12-10, 00:52
Does it make u panic that you are having a heart attack? how do u control it? thank u

10-12-10, 01:02
i don't worry that i'm having a heart attack because i know it's just anxiety playing it's ugly tricks on me, that's what u must tell yourself as well. i try and lie down and talk 2 myself inside my head while breathing slowly. saying things like "i am calm, this is all just anxiety, there is nothing actually wrong with me" then i try and distract myself by coming on here and trying 2 help other people, or by reading a good book or something x

10-12-10, 01:10
Thank you. It is really hard isn't it. I think i am better then boom it is awful again. Been very lightheaded lately which panicked me when i started getting the pains. Wish i knew how to actually believe it is all anxiety!! guess it takes time x

10-12-10, 16:20
It sure is your anxiety.. its the pits too eh? I get it all the time.

I also have blood sugar issues and when they get low it makes it worse. So maybe eat somthing and see how you feel...

But yeah sweets, its the anxiety... Boo eh?!!!

10-12-10, 17:13
i spent one summer dogged by this,,,it just came right out of the blue,,i was laughing with hubby going into asda,,next think my whole body was shaking,,there was no controling it either,,by the time we were halfway round i could barely walk,,annnnnnnd of course i was then worried it would come back,,which of course it did daily,,to the point i hated going out,,,i went to the doctor,,he did the usual,,said he was 99per cent sure it was my nerves and after three weeks of bad shakes i got the right ache of it taking over my life and chased it away lol,,,but yes its a nasty little devil isnt it