View Full Version : Panicy Driver

10-12-10, 00:53
Hello. I searched your forum before I registered. There were two threads about driving, 2004 and 2008. We are not so unique. Much of it sounded familiar. Mine deals with speed and control. I like to stop at traffic lights and try to relax now.

Have had two panic attacks while driving [USA]. It was back in November. Now I drive slower. Speed seems to be an element. The two events were at the same piece of freeway..6 lane here. I was in the second lane, the one close enought to exit from. Yet, I could only drive slowly, as much as you can, in the slowest lane, the one that exits and merges with traffic. It was 10 miles of torture while having the attack.

So, now driving 50 miles every day, on city streets! Have managed a few miles of the freeway but about three exits along it is close to a panic attack and I exit.

Have not seen anyone but doctor at clinic. I have some Xanax but rarely take it. We seem to be too busy with stuff and I am the breadwinner as well, wife earns far less.

So, two weeks of vacation are coming up. I wonder how I will be driving after 2 weeks of no driving. We will be in Europe.

I feel I have to drive every day so as not to "lose it". I have been driving some 35 yrs.

Thanks for listening. I know I am the one to solve my problem.

10-12-10, 00:59
Hi Tero

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

10-12-10, 01:12
Hi Tero, you'll find loads of support on this site..

ps before I drove in the USA I looked into the 'highway code' - the knowledge lessened my anxiety. Hey..50miles a day on City Streets needs congratulating!

10-12-10, 01:17
Thanks, Elvis, I mean gaaron. :D

10-12-10, 01:18
oh, and by the way - you'll have some fun on the site!:D

10-12-10, 02:41
Where is the OFF OFF topic section?

14-12-10, 23:43
So this was not a good day. I had two panic attacks originally on the freeway. Which I do not drive. But I am driving 25 miles on city streets, about 15 miles on one long 4 lane piece. It took me 2 hours. There were two accidents in the Christmas rush, one on its roof, looked bad. People run lights and make risky cross traffic turns.

Had some mini-panic attacks, about a minute or less. Then the overall anxiety for 2 hours was making me very tired.

Now I am home, no panic. I can appreciate you folks that have this 16 hours a day. Anxiety.

And tomorrow the same. Not the best time to be alone. Family is out of town till Thu. They drive any time of the day. My son can help drive, he is 19.

14-12-10, 23:47
Well done! It's very difficult driving in those conditions without the added 'anxiety'.:)

15-12-10, 01:04

17-01-11, 23:28
I am still functioning, but the expressway driving still causes panics. So I am now in Citalopram 10mg at least for amonth. Xanax I was not impressed with. Start Saturday

17-01-11, 23:44

As horrible as the feelings are, try not to do what i did and avoid driving altogether, i am limited now where i will drive since i stopped going to places i felt uncomfortable, it has made my world a much smaller place.

Try to remember that each journey you have done and do that nothing bad has actually happened, and they are only feelings, not nice ones at all but just feelings.

Well done you for sticking at it.

di xx

18-01-11, 01:11
I don't have much choice, I still need to drive, like it or not. So just looking at my options. I can keep driving the long way as I do now and not take the drugs. But that gets to be a stressful drive too, the time spent in a car.

Thanks, take care.

mr badger
18-01-11, 06:56
Hi Tero

How about this for an idea. get yourself some advanced driving tuition with an understanding coach. What they will help you do is bring your driving habits to a more conscious level.

This will give you something to distract your mind from the feelings of panic and anxiety as well as increase your driving confidence.

Not sure where you go in the states but there must be a car version of te AMSF (I'm a rider by preference and have had some training by AMSF trained coaches).

18-01-11, 14:00
i have had most of my panic attacks while driving and if i think about getting somewhere too much i wont get in the car now take snacks and water on every journey probably not the safest think to do have a great holiday:)

19-01-11, 00:21
Mr Badger, I can see racing around an empty race track, that would actually be fun. I think it would take quite advanced driving to get me to do the same on public roads. I still suspect some physical problem as well, either from my migraine back ground or other balance related problem.

I am actually quite confident on all raoads that are not limited access highways, with ramps. But I still cant go much past 50 mph, about 90km/h.

04-03-11, 04:28
I will try to drive my work drive Sunday morning. I can pull off the Interstate anytime, but I have an errand near work. Then return by another freeway, also one I avoid.

The Citalopram surely helps, but I am so relaxed now off the freeway, I hardly want to do it at rush hour anymore. Plus I do not want a full blown attack.

06-03-11, 20:35
OK, mission accomplished. It is a 40km trip there, another 40km back, takes me an hour to drive off the Interstate. I spent 10 minutes driving 90km/h in the slow lane, a few spots in the middle lane. On the way back 5-10 minutes or so in the middle lane. I could feel anxiety and had to turn the radio off. No multitasking for me. I think I still cant do the weekday rush hour.

I rewarded myself with some coffee and lunch sandwich at a book store. Return trip the slow way from the half way mark.

06-03-11, 20:53
Sounds like you're doing well to me Tero, although I do think you should look at the positive side of what you've achieved so far and not what you haven't done so far :)

07-03-11, 02:55
Thanks. Take care.

15-06-11, 01:18
Well, several months into Citalopram, I am driving more, but what it seems to be doing is raise the threshold of where the panicing starts.

Driving in heavy traffic, without being able to stop, is in my mind something resembling claustrophobia.

I no longer have any problems at low speeds. 40 to 50 mph or 70km/h

16-06-11, 00:26
Today was better, left earlier so less traffic.

16-06-11, 00:37
That sounds like very good progress Tero. Well done. I don't do much over 50mph unless I feel capable. Take care

17-06-11, 00:54

17-06-11, 13:56
I've never driven in the US but as I understand it you can drive at any speed in any lane and overtake on either side. This being the case, I think I'd be pretty scared to venture onto the freeway and I drive for my living.

I do find that to reduce my stress levels in dense traffic it is easier to go with the flow and keep your distance behind the vehicle in front. Driving too fast carries its own obvious set of problems. Driving slower than the general flow is also pretty scary too as everything is driving past you and you've got nowhere to go.

Try keeping up (say, doing 60mph/100km/h) while checking your mirrors etc and see how it feels for a minute or two. If you don't like it you can always go back to being overcautious.

13-10-11, 00:14
Have not had a panic attack for a while. A near attack in spring, one this morning. I guess I can't drive in the dark on the freeway, or even dawn.

Still on citalopram 10mg.

15-10-11, 16:25
Yes, that is partly true. My situation is greatly affected by driving conditions. The worse they are, the more I panic.

There is another thread under phobias and driving. Doing well in 2013. I have added 300mg Mg to my regimen, seems to help, and citalopram is now 20mg.