View Full Version : severe heartburn

10-12-10, 01:38
I cant even lie down as when I do I end up in tears, its so sore and my tummy wont stop gurgling :-( what should i do? Had max rennie, glass of milk and bicarb of soda.. i keep burping too :-( im so fed up.

10-12-10, 01:53
Hi Daisycake, It's horrible when you feel like that so late at night - or early in the morning! If your tummy is hurting, try lying on your front with a pillow underneath it. x

10-12-10, 02:15
lying flt could make it worse if the acid is coming up your throat.
try eating bread maybe to soak it up?
I had awful acid before, my throat was raw, my chest was killing me, all I could do was drink milk, and wait it out.
when I burped it brought up the acid and made my throat very sore .
hope you feel better soon x

10-12-10, 10:29
I ended up in A&E - phoned NHS 24 and she was worried, as I had chest pain (aka heartburn), they did a full examination with ecg, chest x ray, blood tests and all that jazz - and then said I was right, I do have heartburn... I was stuck there from 3am til 5am :blush: ah well. I think I am intolerant to milk or chocolate - got GP later today so will see what she says :) thanks for advice :) xx

10-12-10, 10:38
Get yourself to the Chemist and get some Charcoal Tablets.

10-12-10, 11:20
You must be exhausted hun, atleast you can rule out anything awful now! Hope all goes well with the GP later. xx

10-12-10, 11:51
I am I was falling asleep in hospital but they kept coming in to check I was still OK! So glad I got home though, the ecg was thankfully fine - said I had sinus tachy and couldn't rule out an "anterior infarction" which I don't understand but they said it was all good :) .. I felt so bad though as the dr was chinese and I didn't understand what he was asking me - lots of difficult questions! at least its done now though :) xx

10-12-10, 16:18
Try getting some perscription tablets from your GP to help with it. Im on Somac. Anxiety plays havoc on your tummy and acid levels...

Oh and milk is bad bad bad for hearburn btw... to much alkalinity and your body produces more acid to deal with it. I was told drink a shot of apple cider vinigar by a natropath.. Im on the somac (for GERD) so I havnt had to try it but give it a go! :)

11-12-10, 01:02
Acid indigestion can be so uncomfortable, pain, gurgling stomach etc which causes anxiety and so more pain and discomfort. I usually hit mine with gaviscon advance and sip some water, usually works quite quickly if u catch it early on. Hope that helps.

macc noodle
11-12-10, 01:10
Hey Daisycake

Hope you feeling better now?

Top tip for really bad heartburn and acid - don't take too many different things - just try sipping boiled water (plenty of it), try a nice warm hot water bottle (don't laugh it seems to work if only because it is comforting) and then find somewhere nice and peaceful to have a really good burp once the boiled water goes to work!!!!

Take care ............ :)