View Full Version : Agoraphobia? Saw an amazing show on Discovery Health

10-12-10, 03:21

I was flipping channels on television and happened to see something about housebound..

I watched this show and there were two women that had terrible agoraphobia and could not leave their bedrooms.. As the show progressed in three days the two women were out of the house going places .

I was happy for them as I watched every step of excruciating panic. It made me panic with them.. Anyway .. one woman had not left her upstairs couch/area for three years and another had been bedroom bound for about six months.. I was so proud for both of them,

At the end of the show there was a disclaimer that said if you are agoraphobic or know someone that is please visit ..www.houseboundtv.com

So I wanted anyone on here that is having that kind of issue to see this post and maybe help them in someway.. I hope some of you will. At least watch the show on discovery health ..

10-12-10, 18:03
what was the show called?
there was a show years ago about a group of agoraphobics and they took them to Japan!
One of the men did amazing in Japan but soon became housebound once he got home.
you know it's so easy to fall back into your old comfort zone and way of thinking.

99% dead inside
12-12-10, 21:30
Yeah I remember that show, he was 23 or something and he was buying fish from a Market stall dude. It looked like he was getting better..

Thanks for the link L4A :yesyes: