View Full Version : Feeling really weird - please help :(

10-12-10, 04:25

I feel so weird, i really wanted to chat to someone on chat room but my computer wont let me on as its playing up. I feel slightly dizzy and i just feel a bit weird. i'm terrifed im gonna collapse or something. Please tell if you think theres something wrong with me? i'm really freaking out.

Please reply ASAP
Love Louise XXXXXXX

10-12-10, 04:46
Hi Louise, I'm pretty new here and don't know if I'll be very helpful but just letting you know you are not alone. I've had quite a few episodes of feeling as you do but it did pass. I found if I concentrated on trying to relax or distracting myself the dizziness went away. Even having a warm drink with a little sugar helps me sometimes or a simple glass of water. Take care :bighug1:

10-12-10, 06:12
Hi Louise,

I've felt like you do right now many times. The previous poster gave some great advice. TRY to relax if at all possible. Watch some TV, play an online game....anything to distract yourself. I could get lost for hours in a good book or a good game :)

You're going to be just fine hun! It's just a bit of anxiety. :hugs:

10-12-10, 06:34
This always happens to me, the good news is that, with all certainty, you're not going to collapse. :bighug1: Be well.

10-12-10, 07:43
That happens to me often, especially while driving. I take a deep breath and remind myself that there is nothing wrong with me and its just anxiety.

10-12-10, 08:59
I get this weird feeling alot, usually everday, sometimes several times a day, i have had it for years and i have never collapsed because of it, it can feel very scary at the time, but it reaaly is nothing to worry about. The more you focus on it the more you will be awre of it. My advice would be to distract yourself, watch a tv programme you can enjoy and really get into, play a game on the computor, call up a friend, anything that distarcts you and makes you not think about the weird feeling, you'll prob find that it will then subside x

10-12-10, 16:12
Its the physological symptoms that come along with anxiety. YOu can have them without realising your actually anxious. Its like you dont menatlly connect with the anxiety on a mental level but your body is aroused anyways.... Defiantly happens to us all... Typcially thoguh there is a undelying inital cogniton that sets it off, you just might not have registered it.

Distraction is great, so do somthing else.... Try and remain alm (the more you think abotu it the worse it gets cause you get more anxious) and try to bring your basleine anxiety down overall (so your thresthold is further from the basline, taking loger to get there)... Meditation, exercise, breathing exercises ect all will help with the baseline reduction.

Hope this helps :)