View Full Version : A positive note.....

10-12-10, 07:10
Ok, I just felt the need to post this........... This is day 25 on meds and can honestly say after thinking about it after the last few weeks, I'm feeling good!!!! :D (Hopefully I am not getting too ahead of myself) but today has been a long time coming but it is well worth it. Like many of you I've had my ups and downs and is slowly learning to take each day as it comes. Not saying that there will not be a time when I'll be feeling low but for now I'm trying to take it all in my stride. I have read numerous posts by a lot of sufferers and have been brought to tears knowing that so many caring people in the world go through similar things that I and many other people go through every day. I know its going to be a hard road to travel but I also know that with support and reading other peoples experiences on this site we will all hopefully benefit in one way or another. Take care all! :bighug1:

10-12-10, 09:28
Hi Shelz

So nice to hear someone is doing well! What meds u on?

Dave x

10-12-10, 09:47
Hey Dave, i'm on citalopram, 20mg which I take every morning. I'm still buzzing over the fact that yesterday I felt down and out, but through out the day today, I just seem to be feeling so much better :D All the best...... :bighug1: