View Full Version : better morning

mr badger
10-12-10, 08:09
Been sleeping ok (with help of tabs) but wak up very anxious with a chatterbox head.

This morning, instead of reaching for the Valium, I grabbed my iPod and had an hour's music instead.

Seemed to work really well. Brian Eno - Apollo and Music for Airports if you're interested.

Need to try a few mights without Zopiclone now.

10-12-10, 09:19
Well done, Mr B - that sounds like a bit of progress! :)

10-12-10, 16:30
Now get out on that motorbike of yours for a good thrash.... that'll do you good!! I've a BMW as well..... K1200s..... which I've had for the last 3 years.... been riding bikes now for about 40 years.... much better than a car!! We'll have to start our own "chapter" in NMP now there's 3 of us at least!!

mr badger
10-12-10, 16:30
'Scuse me keep harping on, but no Valium so far today.

Very tired though, little drive but quite peaceful feeling. Think the Citlopram is cutting in (day 11).

Mmm. No sleeping pills tonight perhaps?