View Full Version : Anyone tried Bach Remedies?

10-12-10, 09:43
Good Morning Geezers!

I have been looking into trying some of the Bach flower remedies or rescue remedies. I suffer with anxiety but mainly panic attacks whilst driving/supermarkets/crowded places etc.

Just wondering if anyone has ever tried these with any beneficial results in regards to the above symptoms??

I am trying to find ways to get through this without medication.

Any replies would be great!

Have a lovely day

Dave :yahoo:

10-12-10, 10:29
Hi, I have tried the rescue remedy spray, which to be honest didnt work for me. I have tried sucking rescue remedy pastilles, which did help at the start of a panic attack, mainly because it takes your mind of it. I tell you what did help me Paul Mckennas I can make you confident cd. It really made me feel positive, which in turn stopped me thinking I was going to make a fool of myself, which stopped me panicking about having a panic attack. But I found you do need to do it every day, it takes about half an hour. Good luck

10-12-10, 10:37
Hi Dave

Nope did not work for me. I don't think they're intended for people who suffer with serious panic issues. You could look at trying an antihistamine such as Atarax, which is prescribed for GAD and is non-habit forming.



10-12-10, 10:50
Thanks Mary. I actually read the book that goes with that cd recently funnily enough but I didnt buy into it! But since I'm now signed off work at the moment I may as well download the CD and try it again. Cheers hun x

10-12-10, 11:00
Thanks for the feedback Rich. All the best mate.

10-12-10, 11:09
I've got the Bach Rescue Remedy spray... I'm not sure if it works or not as it's hard to know but I think it does (unless it's just psycological ha ha). It obviously wont immediately cure a huge panic attack or anything but it is supposed to calm you. It tastes lovely too, sort of like fruity whiskly :)

Going to sound daft but it definately works with our dog as we always give it her near bonfire night and she's a lot less 'scared' of the fireworks and bangs when she's had it that when she's not had it.

10-12-10, 12:02
I have just started trying it last week. It won't help with full-blown panic. But it helped me when I woke up feeling manic and restless, like I was going to have a panic attack. I felt much calmer, less restless. So I'd say try it when you are feeling anxious, and it might prevent a full blown panic attack.

10-12-10, 21:48
Cheers Genie

Was that the rescue remedy spray or drops?

10-12-10, 22:02
I have a whole range in the NMP shop so you can see all the different ones to try from chewing gum and pastilles to sprays etc.

it works well for me