View Full Version : Hi Im New

10-12-10, 12:10
Hi there, I just wanted to introduce myself as Im new to the forum.

My name is Jodi, Im 30 and developed HA about 18 months ago now, when I was pregnant with my daughter. No one realised how much I was struggeling until after she was born in Febuary this year, until then they blammed it on the hormones. I started CBT in Feb and continued through to October with very limited sucess. The main focus was mindfulness and that is jsut too hard for me in the midst of a panic attack...

I recently started Lexapro and gradully had the dose built up to 40mg over the past 16 weeks, to find it does nothing for me other than make me pile on weight (and how). Im slowly weaning off at the moment and ws looking to start Effexor but due to my husband being diagnosed with rhumatoid Arthritis and the possibel treatments in the near future we are going to try from baby #3 before I go down that path...

Its hard (and embarassing) to explain to freinds and family what is really going on. Most of them know i have anxiety but not to the extenct and not the specifics. My husband is FANTASTIC and has been super supportive but I feel like I really need the oppourtunity to chat with people who KNOW what its like and how it envaides your entire life... it would also be nice to hear some stories about sucessful treatment and how you managed it.... Sometimes its jsut so overwhelming and it feels Im going to be doomed to this fate for years to come. I remember what it used to me like not to worry abotu EVERY little lump/bump/freckle ect (oh my thing is Cancer btw)...

Before this all started I hadnt had a anxiety disorder before.... I did however have Anorexia when I was younger (hello OCD components and tendencies rearing their ugly head) and I also had Post Natal Depression (untreated) after my son in 2008.

In hindsight Ive always been a bit of a worrier but a few bad experiences with doctors (a MRI for dizzy spells from coming off the pill finding a brain cyst and my GP scaring me into thinking it was a tumor in order to try and induce a panic attack cause he thought thats what was causing my dizzy spells), a few real scares (breast lump and suspiciosu mole removal) as well as inadequate support when it started to tumble in on me when I was pregnant and this is where I am today... Im not sever I dont think but I definalty live in the moderate type level...

So anyways thats me in all my glory, its nice to be upfront about it for once and no worry about being judged.... Im hoping to overcome this soon (new psycholigist in the new year) and remain drug free throught a third pregnancy...

So yeah Im looking forward to meeting you all... Youll excuse me if I dotn really wonder into the OMG Im freaking out posts, Im too suggesstable at the moment :shrug: but hopefully one day soon I can go in there and offer some support...


10-12-10, 12:14
Hi JaxynMija

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

10-12-10, 15:50
Welcome aboard!

10-12-10, 15:56
Hi, you'll find loads of support on this site..