View Full Version : Frightening new symptom

10-12-10, 13:05
I was just sat with my daughter watching tele all relaxed and snuggly when I got thus tightening feeling round my neck which then went up into my head.

It was like all the muscles were closing up, like I was being strangled and someone was squeezing my brain. It was very frightening though I sat it out and didn't panic at the time.

My pulse felt normal but now I feel really light headed and odd.

10-12-10, 13:20
Anxietys so horrible, when we get used to our symptoms it changes them all up again. I can't say I've had this one (yet) but it's good you recognise it as a symptom! If it was anything serious you'd recgonise it straight away, you've been so stressed latley your muscles were probably just spasming/releasing cuz you were actually relaxed for once. Anxiety doesn't like letting us be relaxed ;( xx

10-12-10, 13:34
Well I suppose I am asking if it's anything serious. I have said symptom as it isn't anything I can explain. Of course I'm worried it's my heart still.

I constantly feel like I can't breathe and get a breath at the moment.

10-12-10, 13:49
Sounds like it might have been some sort of spontaneous muscle tension in your neck? This is the nasty thing about anxiety - we can feel fine and then it will bite us on the bum out of sheer spite.

10-12-10, 13:55
Not related to your heart at all. If it was a heart attack you'd have had one by now, and you can't have heart disease or anything cuz you've had it checked and it's perfect.

I had the breathing thing last night, all my muscles in my chest tensed up for no reason at all and I literally could not breathe, I struggled to sit up but when I did I could breathe again but 10 seconds later my chest tensed up again while I was sitting up! I had a little anxiety attack so I was gonna wake my mum up but it only happend twice and I'm fine today so! Anxiety symptoms really can be that awful. xx

10-12-10, 14:48
I've been getting pains in my throat as well which people have said on here is heart related. So that has worried me too.

10-12-10, 14:56
I get pains in my throat all the time dodo, right now actually comin to think of it! It could be a sign I'm about to have a heart attack but it could be a sign I've smoked too much or shouted too loud! Which would you say is more likely?

I really wish I could help you more, I really do cuz I know just how scared you are cuz I've had a bad time with heart worries too. You don't have heart disease, your heart is perfect! From all the tests you've had they definatley would have picked something up. Definatley.

A lot of the symptoms of anxiety mimic real and horrible diseases, it's why we find it so hard to get over it. How can a pattern of thinking make us feel this terrible really? I can't say 100% how, but I can tell you 100% it does do it!

Maybe be more selective about which threads you read from now on cuz some people do bring Dr Google to the HA boards which doesn't help the more sensitive sufferers. xx

10-12-10, 15:31
Just typed a message and lost it all, grrrrrrr.

Basis was that I have been breathing very shallow recently. From my throat, not even my chest, let alone my stomach! The skin on my neck feels really tight all the time at the moment. Like a creeping sensation. And I know for sure I clench my jaw, ALL the time.

I had a good night's sleep last night, a glimmer of hope I might enjoy Christmas afterall and not spoil it for everyone by pankicking. But then this happens and I'm back to square one!

10-12-10, 17:38
if it doesn't get better you could visit your doc for reassurance.
I get a tense neck sometimes which makes me feel breathless but I do tend to get it when my hearts racing, most of us here get the pressure , tense, elastic band around your head sensation.
so your not alone with these symptoms x

10-12-10, 18:13
I've been getting pains in my throat as well which people have said on here is heart related. So that has worried me too.

Neck pain on its own is not heart related. It would only be significant if you had chest pain as well

10-12-10, 18:32
You seem to overeact to every sensation your body produces Dodo ..This will make you even more anxious ..Every one gets feelings but the more you concentrate on them the worse they seem to get . Try some relaxation and keep occupied .It will help you distract your mind away from the sensations .t.c Sue