View Full Version : Very slow/clouded head

10-12-10, 14:27
I have been suffering long term anxiety but most days I feel very distanced from things..I feel slow, my attention span feels low, when I turn my head it creates tension..I feel my brain is only operating at half capacity..I don't feel I'm quite me and normal. I find myself getting worked up about going out too.

I have found more lately I'm sitting on the computer but alot more focused..find it hard to pull myself off it..sometimes feeling I just want to lounge about feeling sluggish and slow...terrified it's serious can anybody help? :ohmy: Symptom has been going on months..

10-12-10, 15:36
Howabout getting dressed up all snuggly and going for a little walk to clear your head?

10-12-10, 15:46
Generally speaking anxiety and depression are comorbid conditions... That is they exist together and feed off each other. What you have described in pretty much the clinical definition of a Major Depressive episode...

Id suggest that its that personally...

Treat one, youll treat them both!

10-12-10, 18:30
Generally speaking anxiety and depression are comorbid conditions... That is they exist together and feed off each other. What you have described in pretty much the clinical definition of a Major Depressive episode...

Id suggest that its that personally...

Treat one, youll treat them both!

I'm a bit unsure if it is that I have been depressed but it's not been too big a symptom lately.. I also suffer depersonalization..I pushed myself to go out today (never enjoyed it), felt ill..in the shops I ran to the toilet due to fearing I was dying as my coordination moving forwards felt weird as my legs were all funny...sometimes I can just feel I'm crazy and need to get away..even now at home I feel I can't take anymore and all that's around me I shut out.

Like music, tv..I can't relax and focus on that as I feel I'm gonna go nuts watching it? Very weird sensation but it does pass.. :ohmy:

I have alarm bells in my head from what I read in google months ago..no I've not been googling again however the stuff I read has stuck in my mind. I'm obsessed with the brain, balance, eyes, coordination any sensory, fucntion parts of the basically.

I can feel this way all day..even at home where I'm safe..but the "shutting everything off" "can't take anymore" feeling is common as I get the adrenaline rush and just want to hide away. Mood wise I'm not happy..nor too sad just a bit glum/miserable really..battling on sort of mood. :shrug:

10-12-10, 23:51
I've felt very slow and distant from my thoughts again tonight is it depersonalization?

I've had it this bad before and getting through a night is hard as I sit getting very little done but worrying.. :blush:

11-12-10, 01:55
Im unsure what you mean by depersonalisation. I work in Mental Health (the irony since I have HA too eh?) so I need to know what you mean by that before I can comment...

In all honesty though it sounds to me like anxiety/depression and rumination from the anxiety... What your describing sounds like a panic attack to me. Albeit its not the typical cognitive processes that go with one it does sound like physologically thats whats happening. Do you have a therapist or somthing you can ask?

11-12-10, 23:09
Im unsure what you mean by depersonalisation. I work in Mental Health (the irony since I have HA too eh?) so I need to know what you mean by that before I can comment...

In all honesty though it sounds to me like anxiety/depression and rumination from the anxiety... What your describing sounds like a panic attack to me. Albeit its not the typical cognitive processes that go with one it does sound like physologically thats whats happening. Do you have a therapist or somthing you can ask?

Depersonalization is basically feeling all unreal and weird asn anxiety symptom it listed on symptoms on this site.

I've been unable to see my counselor due to the bad weather here. Could be a week or two before I see her yet.

But anyway what I have had trouble with today is feeling this adrenaline surge like I was going crazy..where I feel for an hour I'm not in control of my mind and everything is just weird. I had it a few weeks ago but it eased off but it's returned..and I actually feel I can't cope..that's it I am crazy... :ohmy: it's weird because like a year or two I go I got it and it lasted 5/ten mins and I felt yeah it's just anxiety more but now I basically have this phobia of losing control/breaking down..I've been reassured I won't but that uncertainty/anxiety creates thsi awful awkward feeling..ok so If I don't go mad..I don't really want to go feeling this surge all the time?

I have had a similar surge when I get panic and I convince myself I'm dying. It's quite scary but I have realised that the going mad is a 10/10 fear and the dying is a 9/10 fear.

Also I have had a misty eyes symptom where I glare, misread things as I feel all weird..when I'm relaxed I'm cool..anybody else had that?

But yes basically my head feels very clouded/blank during these attacks..usually there's little build up I can be relaxed..and within seconds I get this release and just feel wow I'm crazy..and I feel like like hiding in the toilet or going home...even in the toilet I'd be worried..it use to help but I realise the symptom nothing helps but letting it pass..

Can anybody here relate to this? I've posted tons about going mad but I'm just wondering if anybody can relate to these set of feelings? It's a bit more intense than usual anxiety..:blush: