View Full Version : cipralex

10-12-10, 15:43
i take zoton fast tab 15ng a day i now have been given cipralex will it be ok to take both ?

10-12-10, 16:07
Cipralex is Lexapro. Which I take btw (weaning off after being on 40mg and it doing nothing)... Zoton is for peptic ulcers and like Somac (im also on this). So yeah its fine according to my doctors and pharmacist :)

THough ask the pharmacist if your still concrned

10-12-10, 16:20

10-12-10, 16:21
Nw :)

10-12-10, 16:33
I have only taking 2 cipralex if I stop them wil I have withdrawal symptoms?

10-12-10, 16:37
Why do you want to stop them? Id think your 'withdrawal' would be similar to what your feeling now anyways. Personally Id stick with them, the work for alot of people. The first week or so is rough but it gets better... You have an adjustment phase each time you up your dose too.

But you need to give them time to work. It takes abotu 14 days to feel aything (in my experiene) and 6 - 8 weeks for the dose to have full effect.

If I were you Id stick with it, trust me you wont know yourself when they start 2working, youll have your life back! Ive seen it happen, they just wenrt the right one for me :)

10-12-10, 16:52
Even if you have only had 2 ?you see the problem is that I fell down the stairs 2 weeks ago and hurt my head really bad a d had to go to casualty andthey said I was ok just battered my brain a bit then went to do s as I had really sore head and now and got put on penicillin and antiflamitorys no I don't know if this is side effects or my head thTs bothering me Sorry to ram le on like this I'm worried ?