View Full Version : Sharing Good News

10-12-10, 18:31
Hi everyone,

I have to share this... my last post was 'I have to go and make tea'. Whoops... I suddenly realised that this is the first time I have actually thought this without the feeling 'I have to eat to maintain my body'.

In the middle of preparing 'my tea' I realised also that I 'feel real'. This is unbelievable....wow...I have not felt like this in years. My brain feels clear.

Reading your posts/answers and doing the quizzes have really really helped.

A big thankyou to all....I'm going to buy some chocolate.. x

10-12-10, 18:48
Thats so good,
Its great when our brains become clear, even if it is just for a while.
It gives us a taste of what we are aiming for.
Dont you be sick on that chocolate will you. X

10-12-10, 18:57
Good to hear gaaron :D
But now that your brain feels clear I guess you wont remember me lending you £500 when your head was foggy. Not that it matters I don't need it back just yet :whistles:

10-12-10, 18:59
Good stuff Gaaron. Remember, you ARE real!

10-12-10, 19:00
haha aw thats great :hugs: :D

10-12-10, 19:23
Hi all,
Thanks for your posts.
The shop was different! The lights weren't too bright and the noise not too loud...they didn't have my favourite choc ...they're was plenty other types to choose from tho'.
Now that I'm 'different', does that mean I can start again with all the Elvis songs..ooh I hear a big loud no!!!....:D
Mick we'll have to sort the matter of the £500 psychiatric fee out when I've run out of songs x

10-12-10, 20:17

Really chuffed for you, enjoy the chocolate.:hugs:

10-12-10, 20:28
Well done to you!!!! Mmmmm chocolate!

10-12-10, 21:07
Hi G

What a positive, uplifting post. My mum has a good old scots saying "lang may yer lum reek" (long may your chimney smoke) - I think roughly translated as "long may it continue" - someone correct me if I am wrong :). please continue bamboozling me with you vast Elvis knowledge and I will continue giving you rubbish answers :yesyes:

Lots of love and :bighug1:
Missyjamesbond xxx

10-12-10, 22:17
Thats good to hear Gaaron .Well done .Enjoy the Quizzes and the Choc .You deserve it ..luv Sue xx:hugs: but nooooo Elvis Pleeeeeaaaaase ..:roflmao:

10-12-10, 22:37
:yahoo: WOW well done Gaaron! xxxxxxx

10-12-10, 22:41
Hey ta folks!

I've been busy on the quizzes(?) Still eating my choc and feeling real.
Missyjamesbond - you're right -all my relations are scots x

ps I'm nearly running out of songs....

10-12-10, 22:44
Thats so good hon - the feeling real and the running out of songs :whistles:

loads of love x

10-12-10, 22:45

10-12-10, 22:48
but in a nice way :D as you know x