View Full Version : Worried about norovirus/vomiting bug

10-12-10, 19:24
A few people at work (including one in my department) have fallen foul of this in the last few days, which has set my health anxiety into overdrive, especially as vomiting is something I get very distressed about (OK, doesn't everyone I admit).

And now today I've started to feel somewhat ropey and nauseous, and I have no idea if I have caught something or if this is all pyschosomatic (would I be feeling sick if I hadn't known about people at work going off sick?). Of course I know I'm being irrational - even if the worst comes to the worst and I spend a day or two being/feeling sick these things run their course and you just take it easy and see it out - but still feeling panicky now :(

11-12-10, 00:03
It's easier said than done believe me but why don't you try your very best to take your mind off of your sick feeling for a while,try not think and do something else and see if it subsides and then when you re-think if it comes back you are maybe creating it? I do it all the time.And it sucks :(

*hugs* xx

11-12-10, 00:37
If you have caught it then there is nothing you can do but you will have to deal with I am afraid.

Being sick is not that bad once you have done it a few times. We had a post the last few days from someone that was very very emeptophobic and they said that it actually wasnt that bad!

You can do this and let's face it you have no choice cos the body will automatically do it so face it at that time.

Don't fear it until you have faced it.