View Full Version : Hair loss...

10-12-10, 20:01
Just wondered if anyone knows if hair loss has anything 2 do with anxiety? For the past few weeks I have noticed when I wash my hair that there is a lot of hair down the plug and when I take my bobble out my hair at night it is covered in hair all wrapped round it. Also, when I run my fingers through my hair, a lot of hair comes out in my hands. Not like a huge clump or anything, but like a wee cluster, maybe about 15/16 hairs.

Not sure whether 2 make a doctor's appointment or whether this is just another symptom of anxiety

Emma x

10-12-10, 20:16
Hi there,

Ive had this problem years ago and it turned out i had an underactive thyroid, easily treated hair loss, tiredness and feeling low were other signs of this problem, i still get hair coming out now though and that probably down to me dyeing my hair and using hair straighteners all the time.

10-12-10, 20:30
Hi emma

I also suffer from this, my doctor said it was due to stress and anxiety so this may be the case for you too. Have you noticed that your hair actually looks and feels thinner or is it just the amount coming out that bothers you? It could be that you are now noticing it more as you are worried about it x

11-12-10, 00:22
my hair going very grey and thinning at the top drastically.

All down to stress over the years.

11-12-10, 03:51
Yep, stress and anxiety does cause hair loss! I was the same, I used to get the same thing, heaps of hair would come out when I brushed and washed my hair and I would worry my guts out over it! As my anxiety's improved over the year my hair hasn't been coming out as much :) Definitely jsut anxiety related.

macc noodle
11-12-10, 06:36
I have had this problem sporadically over the last 16 years - usually when I am very anxious or stressed. The more you focus on it, the worse it gets.

Also, it can be related to hormone fluctuations as I have discovered over the years.

Try not to worry and focus on it - I would say see the doc. if you are getting large amounts coming out whilst showering or bathing or if you can see noticeable gaps in your hair. But please, even if this is the case, do not worry it will be anxiety related and will get better.

Take care.

11-12-10, 15:07
Yeppers! I have about a third of the hair I used too... It was very thick to start with though so its not too bad...

Mine was from having babies and then the anxiety. The anxiety repes havoc on your hormones ect and this affects the hairs natural growth cycle. Its like if you throw a massive temperature and the body goes into shock, hair follicles release the hair or start a new cycle or somtihng. Typically it takes about 3 month fromt he 'event' to the hir falling out....

Fun fuen eh?

15-12-10, 00:05
Thanks so much 4 all the replies, glad 2 know I'm not alone! Spoke 2 my psychologist today who also assured me that it was probably down 2 stress and anxiety, phew! xx

24-12-10, 08:47
Apart from tears, only time could wear everything away. While feeling is being processed by time, conflicts would be reconciled as time goes by, just like a cup of tea that is being continuously diluted.

27-12-10, 09:07
Hair loss is caused by a number of factors. It is also known as baldness refers to excessive hair loss and scalp may be the result of heredity. There are many causes of hair loss are diabetes, poor diet low in vitamins, scalp infections.