View Full Version : Breathing?

10-12-10, 21:21
For the last few weeks off and on I felt as though I couldn't get enough air and I have been aware of my breathing. I am a little concerned and wondered if anyone could help me?

Wouldnt you know for sure if you were having breathing problems? I am marking it off as anxiety but then I get worried maybe I am having some heart difficulty or something off and on that causes me to feel this way.

First of all I don't gasp for air. I don't cough. I just feel like im not getting enough oxygen yet my heart isn't beating fast . I would assume that someone struggling to breathe would at least have a faster heartbeat and be coughing or something.

When I go outside to do something and really start moving it seems I can breathe ok.. Does this sound like anxiety and breathing awareness or real breathing difficulties..

Thanks in advance for advice.. Michael

10-12-10, 22:53

10-12-10, 23:00
Hi Michael
I have had this feeling for 2 years. Constantly doesn't feel like I can't get a satisfying breath, always trying to yawn and sigh. It is chronic hyperventilation syndrome and once I accepted it, it has eased considerably. One thing I do when I find myself struggling for breath is to push my tummy out with each inhale to stop myself from shallow chest breathing. This really helps to get it under control.

10-12-10, 23:06
sorry forgot to say that it is caused by anxiety and mine started during a very stressful period in my life. And it will go away.

11-12-10, 00:00
Very very common with anxiety as we shallow breathe. I get it too.

11-12-10, 02:11
Thanks Nicola and Shaz14 I feel better..I suspected it was but didn't know for sure.Michael

11-12-10, 02:39
Had this with my panic for a few days