View Full Version : Very Very Worried After Appointment Today

11-12-10, 03:19
Went to the doctors earlier complaining of sore throat etc. and diffculties swallowing, things which I thougght where being caused due to my reflux problems.

Doctor took a look in the area and a thorough feel around the affected area before saying she needed to refer me straight away to an ENT and that she would put in for an emergency appointment.

Tonight I'm lying her in bed and my throat does indeed feel even worse than it did previously, almost as if my airway is obstructed. Obviously I'm panicking and I don't know if it's hystericus etc. but I do know I'm making it worse with worry but it genuinely feels as if my throat is going to close up. The doctors worry was regarding the swelling at the back of my throat, it now feels as if that swelling is getting worse and almost blocking off one side of my airway. However, I think I've worked myself into this state and will try to calm down, cos it would be horrific if I awoke the household tellng them all I was choking/my airway was being impeded ad it turned out it wasn't (I have previous lol).

But the main worry is, the doctor took quick inspection with the light when I noticed her expression change, before she then reached for other tools and then thoroughly inspected using her hands. It was 100% clear something was up. I left my hat and had to go back when I reached the waiting room and as I got in her and a fellow doctor were discussing it.

The thing is, the appointments in 3 weeks time, and I know I'm going to be a nervous wreck right up to it, to the point where I can't eat much due to dry throat etc. (now I dunno if that's cos of anxiety and reflux or because of this worrying throat problem).
What can I do to get me through the next few weeks?

All help, support and replies appreciated.

macc noodle
11-12-10, 06:26
Why not make a call to GP and ask her why she is referring you - what are her concerns about your throat?

It does seem odd for a GP to say that you need an urgent referral without discussing her findings.

I know that the wait time for the appointment will seem like an eternity and I really sympathise with you.

Have you had these symptoms before or for a long period of time? IF you have had them before, it is highly unlikely that they are anything too serious as it would not occur then go away and then re-occur.

Try and be strong.

11-12-10, 13:40
Why not make a call to GP and ask her why she is referring you - what are her concerns about your throat?

It does seem odd for a GP to say that you need an urgent referral without discussing her findings.

I know that the wait time for the appointment will seem like an eternity and I really sympathise with you.

Have you had these symptoms before or for a long period of time? IF you have had them before, it is highly unlikely that they are anything too serious as it would not occur then go away and then re-occur.

Try and be strong.

Thank you for your reply.

She said she was referring me because on her last check up when I was compalining about throat symptoms she noted swelling at the back of the throat and tonsils and had made a note to look out for that next time I was in. This time it was worse, and I was complaining of swallowing difficulties which I thought were acid reflux related. She said with swollen thrat, enlarged tonsils and swollen lymph nodes a referral was needed ASAP.

The symptoms have been on and off for months, I'd always put it down to the reflux because my reflux is the type that comes up to my throat (LPR) but there have been times when the swallowing difficulties have been bad and then eased off and the like, which I think would not be the case if I had something really wrong with me...

Just a stressful period now waiting for the appointment..

11-12-10, 14:20
Hi ZMan....sorry about your worries.

Some GP's are not very forthcoming about why they are referring patients which isn't helpful anxiety wise, but from what you say about your throat, I am wondering - because you have had on and off throat symptoms, and the kind of symptoms you mention - if you have very enlarged tonsils which are giving you that blocked off feeling, and she is referring you with the suspicion that you need a tonsillectomy perhaps (?) When you have recurrent history of tonsillitis, the best way to knock it on the head is to remove the tonsils, especially if they are so enlarged they are obstructive.

Has she given you advice in the interim before you get your appointment, or prescribed/advised any particular meds to take? xx

11-12-10, 14:49
If you have GERD then it is very possible that that is what the swelling is from and the swollen lymph nodes. I have GERD and found myself at the ENT about 3 months ago with a similar thing. And yeah anxiety makes it worse.

My ENT told me you only have to worry if you find a few things; 1. You cant swollow food properly, that it realy gets stuck and comes back up 2. You can feel a hard mass through palpatation... Swelling is caused by the inflamation from the GERD. Its not like she found a mass, KWIM? or 3. It gets progressivly worse over time, you dont have good/bad days, it never changes but to become more bothersome.

I know what its like to be anxious though, its the pits. ry and remember that if it was super serious or she was at all suspicious your appointment would be MUCH sooner, she weould have sent you to hospital straight away or she would have reffered you for a ultrasound to check the nodes and for masses.... To me it just sounds like seve GERD that needs to be looked at... and she most lilkely got you in so quickly because she knows your anxious, thus thats why she used the term 'emergency'... not that it IS an emerbgency...

Try and relax okies :)

12-12-10, 15:24
Thank you to everyone for your replies.

I was very worried on the Friday and getting to sleep each night since has been difficult as I feel as if my throat could somehow fail on me when I sleep. In fact, the past few nights I've been on my laptop till 3am to take my mind off it and end up falling asleep with the laptop on, then wake up with a jolt about about 7am, turn off the laptop and the light and then continue sleeping :lac:

I went to a concert last night and was very pleased with myself as I managed to last the full night with no panic symtoms etc. At first, the loud base that goes through your body from the speakers was worrying me as I thought it could stop your heart etc. but I managed to take my mind off it and have a good time, although every few minutes I swallowed just to make sure I could etc..

However, I really really want this appointment to be as soon as possible, it's like I want the worry to be over before Christmas at the latest.... :weep: