View Full Version : Do I don't I go for tests??

11-12-10, 09:27
I have IBs an had a clear colonoscopy 2 yrs ago. I have always had a cycle of up to a week with 2-3 bms a day but then i will get a day where I go more say 4-5 times as if my bowel is clearing itself. I have never ever had a day without at least 2 bm's so obviously food passes through me quite fast!

About 5 weeks ago I had a day where I went 10 times and had more mucus than usual , then back to normal few days then another day going 6-8 times. I saw my Gp who did all the tests - bloods, stool sample, even the fecal occult sample and they all came back perfect so she said she personally would not refer me for colonoscopy etc as my tests were fine and my blood count was great. she did say given my HA if I wanted to have another colonoscopy she would refer me for my benefit but there would be a long wait because I had no risk factors and normal test results. I asked her is she ws me would she go and she said no. so I have left it. She said the initial bad day may have been a viral bug and this has affected my ibs.

I do not want to go through the horror of another colonoscopy the prep was worst thing I have ever done but I do seem to have got into the cycle of 3-7 days of having 2-3 bms a day then one day of going up to 8 times. It possibly connected to how much fibre and quantity of food I eat.

I am now in that awful catch 22 situation where I really don't want the test again and the Dr wasn't worried because of my perfect results but I know my HA will worry me on the days where I go alot into thinking its due to bowel cancer.

What would you all do???

11-12-10, 11:24
I think what you have to ask yourself is if you did have another Colonoscopy, would you be convinced of the negative results?

I had mine about 3 months ago and although clear, I still think there is something wrong.

You probably know that whatever the outcome (and we know it will be negative) you will still worry!

But only you can decide of course.

11-12-10, 12:13
You are right horse - I realised that until now I was happy my colonoscopy was clear - I had also had my appendix out and a large exploratory op so knew that all my bowels and all my bits had been checked out this was followed by the camera as a check everything inside as well so even though my bowels are always iffy I was not worrying but of course by now I feel there has been time for something to develop even though I was told if I had no polyps then no need to have another test for 10 yrs.
Had a long talk with my husband who has put up with my HA for 30 yrs and he says I am following my usual cycle of worrying about a symptom for months until I have some horrible invasive test and then once thats clear then I stop worrying and eventually the symptom goes until the next thing comes along. The huge problem of course is that as you know if the symptom doesn't improve then you start to doubt the test grrrr all part of HA.
I am leaving it to see if there is a pattern.

11-12-10, 13:09
Good idea.

Get Xmas and New Year out the way, then think about it again.

Just out of curiosity, may I ask why they did a large exploratory if they had done a Colonoscopy previous? Would it be that things can still be hidden from a Colonoscopy?

11-12-10, 13:18
If you have IBs then regular bowel movements are normal. I go up to 5 times a day but 3 is normal for me and I have been told that is fine and nothing to worry about.

Some days if I eat the wrong thing I can be on the loo all day!

The best thing you could do is see a dietician who will look at your diet and make some recommendations. I am on a low fibre diet because of my Crohn's and the IBS.

11-12-10, 14:14
There is some kind of test diet of very bland foods that you start wit, them add more one at a time to research what works for you. It should be in bookstores under Irritable Bowel.
From a book review
>>60 recipes that can be eaten which will not usually cause the symptoms of IBS to flare up, though these mainly consist of wheat/gluten and dairy free recipes, but ranges from lamb chops and olives, pasta with cabbage and sardine hummus to name but a few.<<

the book is here

I can't find my book, I control my IBS with pretty much a bowl of cereal, oats, every morning. I think some physical activity is also essential. When weather clears up, start early spring, go for walks.

11-12-10, 14:56
Personally as part of my trying to get better Im shunning ALL medical test my doctor doesnt think is necessary. Let me tell you it makes me anxious at times but Im learning to trust my doctor and not go through repeated testing. Lets face it your reassured for all of about 5 minutes and then it starts again. Its really just like a really impresive way of checking isnt it...

So ask your doctor this, would she refer you for tests if you were anyone else (ie no anxity)... If the answer is no then dont go for the testing. You will NEVER be 'normal' if you dont allow yourself to trust your doctors judgment and follow a 'normal' course of treatment.... The extra teesting for the 'anxiety' is just pandering to it, KWIM?

All you intial tests were great, so your all good... No need to worry and when you do tell yourself itsn not anything, what the issue is is anxiety...\

And I toally feel you becaue bowel cancer is my thing at the moment... I dont have any signs at all but I swear at times i *think* there may be miniscule specks of blood in my stool... Never anything definitave or noticable unless Im having a really good study (not touching it btw) with a torch... yeah i know how weird/embarassing that is... but hell maybe by saying it I can own it a bit better and stop it...