View Full Version : Can anxiety bring on a Fissure?

11-12-10, 11:38
I have had problems over the years with this condition and they have gone away between 2-6 weeks.
I was wondering does anyone know if there is a connection between fissures and continued anxiety ?

11-12-10, 11:50
I'm not sure tbh but I have had a problem too for about the same length of time.

Sometimes mine is worse after a bout of diahreah (sp) rather than hard stools.

Whenever I mention it to the dr they don't seem worried.

11-12-10, 11:53
Thanks dodo. It just seems with me that after several weeks of high anxiety I get that happen sometimes.. Sometimes it lasts a few days and others for weeks then will go away for many months.Its a horrible cutting pain though isnt it, makes you miserable.

11-12-10, 12:10
Yes it's a sharp pain for me. Sometimes it doesn't hurt though.

There's sometimes lots of blood which always looks worse than it is I think. Sometimes I get this horrible smelly mucus comes from it too. Sorry tmi.

11-12-10, 13:21
The main reason for fissures is excessive bowel movements and/or constipation and straining.

Anxiety does not cause the fissures but anxiety upsets the digestive system which means we have more bowel movements so we are more prone to fissures.

11-12-10, 15:01
Yeppers get them myself and had a whopper about 6 years ago that required surgery...

The anxiety causes you to tighten the sphyncter, like all your muscles... so when you go to the bathroom it is strained and stretched and can tear. Also the tummy upsets that coem with anxiety can do it too...

Im used to them now, Ive had so many (I get at least a dozen a year) that they dont even bother ME anymore... That says somthing cause most things bother me, unfortunatly....

11-12-10, 20:34
Thanks all.. I did a quick search ( naughty) and aside from constipation issues a fissure can also be caused through continued stress by tensing the sphyncter as Jaxynmija says.