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View Full Version : Question re muscles

11-12-10, 14:24
The dr said I have strained muscles in my chest.

I have a deep aching on both sides of my chest just down from my armpits, kinda in line with my nipples.

However every so often I get this squeezing feeling and a real sickly feeling.

I'm sure muscle strain would not feel like this and am worried about various digestive cancers, pancreas, liver etc etc. Especially as I have had a few 'tummy bugs' in this year.

Of course my heart fear is still rife too.

Abyone have any experience?

11-12-10, 14:32
I had muscle pain in my upper chest when I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 20-25 yrs ago. Worth checking out.

Muscle pain is rarely anything to do with cancer.

11-12-10, 14:34
Thanks for your reply.

The muscle strain is from chronic tension but the squeezing and sick feeling I can't relate to muscle pain?

11-12-10, 14:58
Is it related to the anxiety? I get a sicky feeling and tight chest when my anxiety is laying up. Typically right before the panic sets in...

Sounds like muscle strain and anxiety to me! :)

11-12-10, 16:49
I just don't know. I'm so fed up I'm going to see the emergency dr tonight as I can't go another night fretting about it being my heart.

It's like a wave of squeezing heat which makes me feel sick.