View Full Version : Have you ever noticed

11-12-10, 15:15
So Im new here and a few things I have noticed in the past 24 hours (since I joined)....

1. Almost ALL the post on here I can relate to because I have had a similar issue. Both before HA (going on 18 months now) and during...

2. When I read the posts I can see clearly that alot of the issue is anxiety and the panic and doubt that comes with it. I can see that in 100% of the cases that it sounds fine/normal to me or nothing super horrific.... And i can verbalise why too. But if it were me with the issue there is no way I could have the same perspective...

3. we all have very similar patterns (thinking wise) and behaviours. And as much as we all like to think (like being used losley) that each issue we have is massive... the way we process and react is almost identical... pointing to anxiety being the issue and our cognitions, not what we are actaully scared of....

4. Even though we know we shouldnt google we do.. (damn bloody google) and even though we swear we want to get better we undermine ourselve with all the checking ect... (not that its our fault cause its a compulsion) but yeah we can SEE why its wrong but not change it...

*shaking my head*.... sucks big ones eh?

eternally optimistic
11-12-10, 15:17

All the above that you mention, is a good learning curve to the realisation of what is happening with your thoughts.

Use and take it forward, you will learn loads more on here about yourself and others.

Good luck.

11-12-10, 15:26
I think its nice to not feel so alone too... I wouldnt wish HA on my worst enemy but Im glad if others have it I can relate to it and them me. Somehow it makes it seem more human and less unsurmountable....

Yeah they tell you all those things if you get therapy and you believe them to an extent but when you see it in black and white it helps concrete it...

Now to develop it further :)

eternally optimistic
11-12-10, 15:30
If its any consolation, you sound like someone on a mission to get where they want to be......

11-12-10, 15:36
You have NO idea (well Im sure you do LOL)... The last 18 months have been hell and have robbed me of SO much. I want to be better desperalty and I want to enjoy my life. I have a wonderful husband, two beautiful kids (who I DONT want to remember me as crazy mummy... My 3 year old alreasy yells at me for checking, mortifying eh?) and Im DONE with sufferign with this condition.. My barin better tow the line or Im trading him it, it has to be male cause only a male could be this irrational and be convinced its rational LOL (joke for all the men out there)...

Im hoping that this forum gives me the extra oomph Ive been lacking... Support and understanding are hard to come by cause most people jsut dont get it or you mention hypochondria and they judge instantly...

eternally optimistic
11-12-10, 15:46
I know what you mean about impacting your behavour onto your kids...
It is a worry.

I dont suffer from health anxiety but can relate to being, or allowing ourselves, to be robbed of bits of life....

Have you tried any CBT or tried to work out why you have H.A.? Sorry if that sounds offensive, I dont mean it to be.

I think sometimes, we need to get angry with the whole bloody situation to get us back on track.

Our minds are such powerful things and I guess we all need to use them to their best effect...... I fail miserably in that department.... LOL....

11-12-10, 16:07
Yeah I have tried CBT for the HA, along with mindfulness and Lexapro...

CBT has worked to a extent though it feels like there is a piece missing. I thought the Lex would help with that (I resisted though, I hated the idea) but its not the drug for me and since were trying for baby#3 (have to cause Dh has RA and the treatment for that will mean no more kids) Ill have to wait a bit for... I was told effexor but who knows...

Mindfulness isnt for me... but Im sure it has its place...

Im startign with a new psycholigist who specialises i HA and OCD in the new year (my old one changed jobs) so Im hoping a new perspective will help...

And no offence taken... Ironically Im trained in Mental Health (psychology and behaviour managment... yeah yeah I know LOL) and I KNOW why (control issues, I had Anorexia when I was younger too) and I think there is undiagnosed OCD (and possible bordeline personality disorder) in the family so I know there is a genetic componet. Plus a few bad doctor experiences (a MRI of ansent seizues from coming off the pill when I was younger) and a GP who swore they were panic attacks... They found a cyst (totally benign and normal really) and my gp tried to scare me into a panic attack to prove his point (your know GP kno2ws more than psycholigist slef diagnosis)... And thats where the health part came in... Plus a fe more 'scares" (we all have them) and here i am...

Your right, I think anger may be the key!

Minds are complicated. Im sure they do what they do for a reson, its just working out the reason and then pointing out why its not working (to the brain) so it will change.....

eternally optimistic
11-12-10, 21:51
Your an expert in what u know already. I know alot too. I just got 2 piece it all 2gether. It feels like a life long challenge. Keep in touch with your PROGRESS.
Take care, Jackie