View Full Version : Treatments

11-12-10, 15:23
So Im wondering what treatments you all have had and how they have worked for you.... I think it would be good to get an idea of options as well as personal experieces to help show it can be beaten...

1. Ive had 8 months of CBT with a focus on mindfulness training. The CBT is useful for me but it seems to be lacking when the panic kicks in... How do I think clearly when Im about to plummit over the edge? Plus it still doesnt address the 'issue' that set it off it the first place... No matter how much I reason if Ive seen a 'funny' mole, its still funny know?

2. I tried mindfulness with the CBT. The mindfulness sucked... Im not for sitting still, medating ect It makes me more anxious cause Im totally type A and always have been.... Plus I just never really got it...

3. Lexapro... what can i say. Not for me. Didnt do much excet make me fat. I got up to 40mg a day and in all honesty nothing. Im open to other AD's (cause the idea of a magic pill sits well LOL).... But Im planning baby #3 (not a great time but we have to due to DH arthritis and treatment)....

4. Natural remesdies... Ethical nutrients stress and anxiety are BrILLIANT and have helped the transition off the Lex SO much... No withdrawal symptoms at all. I also take mega magnesium and a high dose of fish oil... Figure they cant hurt....

5. Now Im trying reaching out and breaking through the stigma and recogniosng Im not alone (hence why I joined)... I want to connect with others with the same issues without turning it into another cheking device, KWIM? Plus reading all your post shows me that its typical HA stuff I feel and Im pretty rational when Im not the one in panic... Its noce to know Im still capable of rational thinking at times LOL

11-12-10, 21:27
I havn't really had any treaments to be honest, but over the past 9 months I think I've learnt to cope pretty well thanks to a book based on CBT, family and friends irl and on here (plus 3 trips to my GP lool). Just thought I'd share a few tips with you that you might want to use as well as CBT, and other people who might not be open to CBT!

When the panic hits me, most recently the other night, you just have to really NOT give into it. Let yourself feel the fear for a minute or so then you really just have to carry straight on with what you were doing. Be it trying to sleep, cleaning, shopping, anything! If you're a "visual" person, try to imagine building a big wall in your mind against the impeding panic attack. If you really try not to give into it, the panic will go away. If you're scared you're gonna die when you have a panic attack just think how many times you've had this feeling before and you've never died. Panic will never kill you! :)

I don't know about mindfullness, never read about it to be honest! But if it's sitting still and stuff it makes me worse too lol espescially if it's quiet. I recently took up exercise again and being active really really makes a difference to me. It didn't at first but I'm feeling really good the past week or so! I do about an hour/hour and a half of exercise a day and I really love it now! It's like I can feel the adrenaline burning away and I'm having fun at the same time cuz I dance as my exercise! :D

I've never been on Lexapro, I take propranolol, I don't know if you've heard of it but it's good for physical effects of anxiety. It stops some adrenaline reacting with your blood so you get less pounding hearts and less shakyness! Without some of the physical effects of anxiety the mental issues are easier to deal with for me.

You sound like you're doing a really good job with you're health anxiety, so a big well done to you! Keep up the good work! :D xx

12-12-10, 12:37

My recovery has been a mix of almost everything!

1. Therapy - I see a psychiatrist who does my counselling and CBT-type things, handles my medication, is also a doctor and just talks to me like I'm a normal person. He's brilliant. And I trust him because he is a doctor and knows what he's talking about and he always guaruantees me things 100% instead of saying 'it could be this'. It took me a while to find one who worked for me, but it's brilliant to have a psychiatrist who you feel comfortable with and who does the things you want to do.

2. Meds - Medication works wonders for me. I take fluoxetine and it's definitely my miracle pill. Not on it's own of course, but in conjunction with everything else, and it definitely takes the edge off everything and helps with my intrusive thoughts and physical symptoms. I'm close to coming off them now actually!

3. Vitamins - My mum is crazy about natural stuff and doses me up on all kinds of vitamins. She has me on massive doses of magnesium and fish oil (both of which are proven to reduce anxiety and muscle pain from cfs) and a bunch of multi-vitamins. I can definitely tell the difference if I don't take them for a week.

4. Diet - My crazy mum and doctor also have me on a pretty healthy diet that limits foods high in fat and high in sugar. I've noticed that sugar actually increases my anxiety so having a diet low in sugar is really helpful for me.

5. Yoga & meditation - AMAZING. I recommend it very much. It's really helped me to learn how to control my thoughts and my breathing which in turn has been VERY helpful in times of high anxiety or panic. My yoga instructor also knows about my anxiety and shows me different breathing techniques that help to reduce anxiety and different exercises.

6. This place! - It's great to come here and be able to talk to people who can relate to how you feel and reassure you when you're in a panic. Family and friends are great support, but sometimes you just need to talk to someone or hear advice from someone who reallly knows how you've felt and to hear about the improvements of others who suffer the same. It's really wonderful.

7. Support Network - My family, boyfriend and friends have had really important in my recovery. Surrounding myself with people who care has helped a lot.

12-12-10, 15:14
I haven't had much in terms of actual therapy for my anxiety and panic attacks, but I have had :

1. One to One Counselling with MIND - for depression/anxiety many years ago. i found it very helpful and had a lovely counsellor who was just willing to sit and listen to me talk on and on. She gave me clarity when I felt in a sea of confusion.

2. Meds - Cipralex only, my highest dose being 10mg. I have come on and off them several times, as sadly I always end up going back on them as my anxiety/panic returns sooner or later. I have weaned them down to 5mg on many occasions, come off them, but then something triggers my symptoms and on I go again....MADDENING.

The bulk of my treatment and care has been the basics like a very supportive family, friends, watching what I eat/drink, exercise (when I can haul my arse up to the gym) and vitamins (B complex, multivitamin, omega 3/6/9 and vit C)

To be honest, a lot of my recovery has been self-induced (I don't mean that in a big headed way or anything!) and just telling myself I will get better and being bloody minded. I have done this particularly with my panic and agorophobic symptoms in so much as making myself leave the house and tolerate the panic just to see if I can get through it, and this has helped me enormously, as each time I get through it, it doesn't intimidate me as much the next time.

It scares me silly, but I just will not allow these horrible conditions to dominate my life.xxxx