View Full Version : Make this go away- I think I'm cracking up

11-12-10, 15:52
I started feeling ill yesturday, full of cold & shivering, I slept for 14 hours and woke up today feeling a bit better in myself but I feel so depressed, so anxious, so worried and I don't know why.

I went shopping earlier on and came home early, sent hubby out to his friends and since I have sat here googling symptoms (I know I shouldnt) and now I feel worse, Im crying my eyes out, exhausted again. I cant take much more. I need to tell someone how I'm feeling but I cant do it, people in my life have no idea I'm feeling this way and Idon't want to worry them. Also alot of my family arent very sympathetic to 'mental health'. Im an absolute wreck. I know that by this evening this feeling will have passed and I will just be waiting for it to happen again.

I feel like I am breaking down

11-12-10, 15:58
I really sympathise with you hun. I gave been in this situation many times and it's no fun.

I find being Ill gets me down and it feels like there'll be no end, when in reality you've only been Delong unwell with the flu for s short while.

Just go with it. Have a nice warm bath and get x book and try to just relax. I think the more you fight genuinely being ill the longer it takes to feel better.


11-12-10, 16:27
Thankyou for your reply. I just wish there was something that would make these feelings dissapear. These past 6 months have been the worst of my life, every single day is a struggle. I dont want to spend the next 6 months of my life feeling like this. Worrying about my health 24/7.

I could go for every single test offered, have full body scans and I would somehow convince myself I'm ill. It's not normal! xxx

11-12-10, 16:47
Have you spoken to your dr about how you're feeling? I gave heard cbt is excellent to changing the way we think about health etc. I haven't been able to get into it as there is a big wait in our area but it's worth popping to see what they say.

Some good books you might want to try are 'it's not all in your head' and 'introduction to health anxiety'

Both available on amazon.

11-12-10, 17:21
I find it easier to explain the situation to family members individually. In a group setting, nobody really can tune into you and your problems. Call them up, people often have time during the day. And they can hang up when they have had enough.