View Full Version : Is this a panic attack?

11-12-10, 17:50
I have woken up twice now in the night one night was like pressure from the bottom of my ribs and stomach,couldnt move my stomach in or out to breath:weep:Then the other night same pressure like my lungs are pushing the air out and couldnt breathe at all,then heart started racing and started heaving eventually bought acid up.Wouldnt go back sleep was like im going to stop breathing.Really scared me:weep:

11-12-10, 17:58
Could you have acid reflux? I might be an idea if tonight you prop yourself up in bed with an extra pillow and see if that helps.

11-12-10, 18:33
You did not describe the emotional part. If there is fear and panic, a feeling of being trapped, could be.

11-12-10, 18:34
did this happen right after waking up?
the body is basically paralyzed while you sleep, often the brain wakes up a few seconds before your body which can leave you with a sense of pressure on your chest and feeling like you can't breath.
it happens to me a lot, it can be scary when your half asleep, trying to wake up and feeling breathless.

11-12-10, 18:40
It was like i wanted to get out of breath but couldnt.couldnt breathe like i said huge pressure like something trying to push my diaphram down.And tero what do you mean by emotional?

11-12-10, 20:46
Well, fear, anxiety. The anxiety can produce physical symptoms, they are real but come from our brain chemicals.